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A large black wolf jumped out of the bushes, teeth bared and bright purple eyes shining as the creature flew through the air. She put her arms up in front of her in hope of protecting herself, her stolen scream finally escaping her lungs.

She stayed crouched and screaming, her eyes welded shut until she realized the impact wasn't coming and there were noises coming from behind her. Her eyes flew open as she spun around and attempted to make sense of the scene in front of her.

Andy could sense the demon a mile away he could also feel Jordans energy dancing on the edges of his mind, it felt strangely soft. He found himself wondering if it was because of what she is. He'd never met a foundling, he thought they were myths. He inhaled deeply and realized the scents of Jordan and the demon were crossing. He reacted immediately knowing Jordan's life was in danger, he ran as fast as he could toward her.

Upon nearing the clearing she slowed his pace in an effort to keep his location concealed, he watched Jordan quietly from the bushes until finally the demon came into view.

He growled, bearing his teeth and pouncing at the vile creature, his teeth sinking into his flesh, warm black blood filling his mouth before he was sent flying through the air into a tree with a loud cracking sound. His chest heaved out air as he righted himself, feeling his bones crack as they put themselves back in place. Just before he could launch himself at the creature again, however, Jordan screaming his name stopped him. All at once his body calmed and he turned to face her and then back at the demon. His eyes never left the demon as he walked over next to Jordan and around behind her, finally sitting next to her and staring at the pale red rimmed eye of a creature.

"Ahhh, Andrew," he said, a playful smirk playing on his looked. He looked like a cat about to catch a big juicy mouse. "How have you been?"

"I don't think that's much of your business now is it, Francis?" Andy's voice was a low growl a he spoke. His tail twitched as he sat, trying to remain calm and restrain himself.

"I'm not so sure about that," the demon replied. "Your little pet foundling there must find me worth something since you're no longer ripping me apart." He brushed his hair out of his face and grinned. "I bet that's just bothering you now isn't it?"

Andy barely looked sideways at Jordan but it was enough to notice the look on her face. She was confused and afraid but something in her told her to trust him.

"What's a foundling?" She asked after a few minutes of silence. She repositioned herself so she was sitting cross legged on the ground and looked up at him. She fidgeted with her hands nervously but never broke eye contact with him. She could feel a strange power radiating off of him much like she felt Andy's but this was a lot stronger than anything she'd experienced before.

"Oh, dear Andrew, you haven't even told the poor girl? James it's alright you can come out I know you're there," Francis said turning to look at some nearby trees; Jordan followed his gaze and saw James walk out of the clearing and he looked pissed. Francis smirked and continued speaking. "A foundling, my beautiful girl, is a very rare and powerful thing. They could win a war for example, world peace, or bring about the apocalypse; but they have to be trained on how to use it. Of course that isn't until their twenty second birthday. Until then they essentially just take on the characteristics of the beings they're raised with, whether it be a Fae-" he eyed James knowingly "-or werewolf." His gazed switched to Andy. "There are prophecies about you Jordan, and you're going to be magnificent."

Francis was silenced by James's hand wrapped around his throat. "What do you want with her, Francis, can't win your own war?" James seethed as he aimed to crush Francis's trachea. Francis only smiled and let out a choked out chuckles before James went shooting into the air their landing only marked by loud thuds in the distance.

"You're coming with me love," Francis said with a smile just before the world turned dark.

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