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**Extremely short, but an update so I don't get murdered.**

Jordan's eyes slowly peeked themselves opened as she realized she was laying on a rather hard cement floor. Bright light from a barred window caused her to cringe and turn away as she slowly sat up and surveyed her surroundings.

The walls were black but had a strange opalescent shimmer to the as the sun lit them. The floor was a deep red marble and there were velvet curtains surroundind the barred window. Jordan sat confused for a moment before looking behind her and realizing she had actually rolled out of a rather lovely looking bed which was covered in too much velvet for any normal persons comfort. It did explain why she want sore at all however. She dug her nails into the soft bed as she pulled herself up and plopped down on the soft covers with a sigh; contemplating what sort of trouble she'd ended up in now.

"See, I told you she'd be awake soon enough, sir," a man spoke. Jordan turned to face him. She found herself briefly admiring his maroon hair before looking over the rest of him. His eyes were a flare of brilliant red and orange hues and he was thin and very formally dressed. He winked at her.

Jordan frowned briefly and then looked over at Francis. "Why did you take me, you asshole?" She accused and glared. Her glare was countered with a brief look of confusion from Francis, as if he had no idea to speak to a girl at all.

"I, uh, well-" he started and then paused briefly, deciding what to say. "I need your power, your birthday is in a couple of days and after that my people will be training you on how to use your magic. First we have to get out though, so you'll be traveling with me and Calcifer to the gate, the world will collapse and kill us all otherwise I'm afraid so you best shower so we can leave."

"You brought me here so I could pack more stuff and leave again?" Jordan asked, looking at Francis like he was an idiot.

"I didn't think it'd be that easy to get you so I wasn't packed at all, plus there are some things we're going to need to open the gate in the first place. Francis ran his hand through his hair before letting out a long sigh, it seemed strangely human to Jordan. Especially since he as a demon but she shrugged the idea off. "Now, if you'll excuse me, Cal will help you get things together while I pack." And with that he turned and walked away leaving Jordan no room to argue.

She turned to Calcifer with a frown he returned a sympathetic smile and walked over to her. With a simple twist of his wrist he spun his hand around and held out a platter of chocolates that had appeared in his hand.

"Here, Love, have a chocolate. It'll make you feel better," he said with a smile. Jordan sighed and took a piece, shoving it in her mouth and starting up at Calcifer as she chewed. "See, told you so."

"So, what's your deal? Are you like another fire demon or something?" Jordan asked as she stood up from the bed and walked over to the dresser admiring the strange trinkets lined up on too of it.

Calcifer let out a strange laugh before following her around the room. "Absolutely not, what I can do compared to them is merely parlor tricks. I appreciate the thought though, darling. I'm a simple warlock, nothing more," he explained to her.

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