{4} I Love You Too

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Heyyy! So I decided to update a chapter. I'm so sorry for not updating a lot! And also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 420 READERS! I cannot believe  KatyCats actually read my story! Thank you!
Me and her kept walking on the beach. I though to myself nothing could go wrong on this date.

(John's POV)
Me and Katy just kept on walking on the side of the beach. It was such a perfect night. My hands were warmly, soften wrapped around her waist, as her head was resting on my chest.

"You know I love you, you know that right?"  I whispered in her ear.

I planted a small kiss on her cheek, making her turn the other way of terms of blushing.

"Well I love you more."  My nose crinkled, hearing John chuckle.

(10 minutes later) (raining)

(Katy's POV)
"Come on John! It's pouring out here! We're getting soaked!"
I tried to pull his arm, but nothing. Instead he pulled me back into him. Making my eyes look at him. I smiled with such confidence, as he lips came closer. Everything was going so slow. Soon I felt his lips enter mine, ever so smooth. All we heard was the noise of the rain dripping on us.

"I love kissing you in the rain." He mumbled those words as we kissed, allowing me to laugh.

We stood there like for hours, but it only was 10 minutes. I really didn't want to stop, but it took everything I had to pull away.

Then we heard lighting form into the sky.

(John's POV)
"Ok come babe lets go now."
I picked her up in this bridal way to the car. Soon I let her down, opening the door. Then I started driving back home.

(Katy's POV)
My head was leaning against the window as I let out a sigh.....but a happy one. I felt John's hand on top of mine, squeezing it. I look down at it, smiling for no reason. Soon we reached our driveway. As soon as I was about to open the door, John opened it, letting his hand wrap around me. We both walked to the front door. I looked at the clock. It wasn't that late, it was only 9:30. So I headed into my bedroom and changed into my p.j. I saw John come in staring at me, grinning.

"Who are you looking at?" I chuckled. I slipped over my gown. He was already dressed into his p.j. Suddenly he started tickling me.

"STOPP JOHN!!" My knees kicked him lightly. He carried us into the living room. I was been thrown onto the couch softly. He came crawling on top of me, with his lips pressed against mines. His hands were in my hair, tugging it. My lips escaped with little giggles between our kisses. We didn't get too heated. We always didn't have to make out intensely. That's not how relationship's work. Slowly he pulled away, grabbing my arm, making me stand up.

"Run." He whispered

"W-wh-what?" I was confused by what he meant.

"Run." He said again but with demand in his voice.

By that I already knew what was gunna happen next. I started running, but it was kinda slippery because I had my socks. As I was trying to avoid being crashed into the back door, my hands touched the door. A wash of excitement filled inside of me. I turned myself around seeing John catching up to me. As he was getting closer I had the hint if something fishy.

"John....I know what your gunna do. You better stay away from m-me." I was already laughing.

Next thing I know, he had got me again. He was tickling me again. Soon when he wasn't paying attention I made a run to my room.

"HEYYYY!" I heard his voice traveling to me.

I opened the door quickly, locking it.

"Ha! Now you can't get me!!"

"Miss Perry you better open this door!"

"Na. Noooo way!"

"Ok Katy. You'll be sorry."

Thirty seconds later I heard his footsteps fade away. I didn't know if I should stay or go out. I knew if I got out something would happen. But I was so curious to open it. I slowly opened the door quietly. He wasn't here.

"John where are you?"

"I know your probably hiding from me. Don't you dare scare me!"

Still nothing. I was still thinking he was gunna pop out of nowhere. Then I made it to the living room without any surprises. I was just standing alone, scared to death but happy as well. Soon-

(John's POV)
I was hiding in the kitchen, but Katy doesn't know. Slowly I made tiny steps toward her.



I started hitting him on his arms while he was laughing.

"Hahahahahahahaha! I totally scared you!!" I tried coming close to her, but she pushed me away.

"No John....no way. You scared me." I basically really wasn't mad with him. In fact it was kinda funny now.

"Heyyyy. Shh c-c-come here babe. *chuckling* I'm sorry. It was a joke."

I came close to her, finally wrapping my arms around her. Her back was against me. She nuzzled her head more into me. I saw her eyes closing.

"You know I still love you right?" I whispered.

"Yes I do know that. And I love you too." My head turned, while my eyes guided me into John's eyes. I'd never get tired of looking into his eyes. We were both smiling. We kissed so passionately.

"Come on babe. Let's go to bed."
My hands were intertwined with hers. Both of us made it into our bedroom, where we climbed into bed. I turned out the lights, seeing Katy there waiting for me. I slowly pushed her toward me. We both were staring at each other.

"Goodnight my love. I love you."  I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight John I love you too."  There were no space between our body.

I watched Katy, until she felled asleep.

"Gosh she's so perfect. I'm so lucky to have her." I thought to myself.

Then my eyes started getting heavy. Eventually I drifted away into sleep, with Katy right next to me, laying in my arms. That's how it should be. (:

Whaleeeeee thanks KatyCats for reading this long chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. And don't forget to vote, comment.
Oh and one more thing......THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 420 READERS! YOU GUYS ARE DA BEST! ✨✨😊😊😊

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