Chapter 11

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"I suppose you were my roommate? Gerada?" I mumbled. Trying to remember his name.

"Gedavar Lutsvee." He corrected with a smile and walked forward. "If this room is yours as well, then I guess you're correct." He gave me his hand. "It was nice to meet you . . . ?"

"Red. Red Maddison," I answered and took the gesture. "You too." I said after letting go off his hand.

Gedavar has an unusual color of white upon his skin. There were few freckles at his cheeks that were being highlighted by his blue eyes. If his hair isn't natural jet black, he's great about his decisions for his appearance.

He's in a quite thick garments with a fabric I've never seen before, and the clothes seems to be so large for his skinny body. Well, not to the point that he'd look like a skeleton. But despite of his shape, he seemed to be muscular and healthy.

"Your accent's quite unusual. You're not from the place, yes?"

"I moved here from Russia."

I can't hide the awe from my face. If he had reached New America, he has to be having a connection from the Russian political leaders or the country's wealthiest man. Dad and Van had discussed about Russia. I've heard the country's been in a terrible famine because of the virus. The place has been suffering with their insufficient supplies and overpopulation since the Arctic Ocean had been rapidly rising from the Melting. The entire ocean covered more than half of its territory and since then, the country's been begging for help.

"I know what you're thinking." He sighed. "All I could tell you for now, is I ain't a politician's child."

For now? Does that mean he'd keep more details for the mean time? Does that mean that I'm not the only one who keeps a secret at our stay at the Academy?

Derek cleared his throat. "Excuse me, sir. I have already arranged your clothes inside your wardrobe. Your pictures at your nightstand and some cosemetics at the very top of your shelf." He said stolidly. "Would you like me to call for your designer to have you measured for your uniform? I could also call for your guard for introduction."

"Please, Derek." I patted him at his shoulder. "Thank you."

He bowed. "Pleasure." He walked for the door but stopped just beside me. He leaned in like he had some things to whisper. "I never know where to put your collection. I left it at your bag."

Collection? Before I could even ask him about this, he strode to exit without looking back. I stood there confused as Gedavar's designer and butler came in. He ushered them to the balcony and did the measuring at the space.

I decided to look at what Derek is talking about and inched towards my bed where my bags were scattered empty. I hopped over to its soft foam and searched for it. Maybe it's something mom had put or Nanny Maria had packed into my bags without me knowing. I felt slightly furious to whoever placed the thing that Derek had been talking about into my luggage.

I scanned for it bag after bag and found it in the very last one, at my backpack. Only then I realize it was mom's butterflies. Only then I realized how careless I was to expose my very identity at the very first day by just a butler.


Derek didn't mention about the butterflies when he came back with my guard, Brandon Fred and my designer, Leah Kendrick. I didn't notice myself taking glimpses at him so often. I was being neurotic about him telling others about what he saw.

No one ever owned some butterflies like that but mom. And everybody knows that. If he spreads so much as a word, my mission and my agreement with dad would totally be over.

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