Always and Forever

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Stella's POV ( The Mother )

When I heard the voice of Carmen. I dont feel anything but happiness. I wish that she'll know now her mistake and she'll not do it again. Now im in a trycicle and Im going to street *****************

When I'm in the street that gave me the Vendor. I saw my Child that is crying. I ran to her and gave her a hug.

"Im so sorry mom! Please forgive me." My daughter said while crying.

"Shh. It's okay. It's okay.. Always remember. I love you okay?" I said.

"Okay Mom. I'm really sorry. I'm so idiot that I left the house just because I want to be with my friends. Im sorry mom.. Im sorry.." Carmen said in a sad tone, while crying.

"It's okay.. Just dont do it again okay?" I said.

"Okay mom. Im sorry. I love you mom." She said then she hugged me, then I hugged back.

"Let's Go." I said while smiling at her.

"Wait.. Hey, Thanks--" She stopped and looked to the Vendor.

"Im Jenny." Said the vendor smiling at carmen, then turned to me.

"Thanks Ma'am Jenny.. You made me feel better. And you make me know my mistakes. Im really thankful that I know you.. Thanks a lot. I will remember the things that you've said to me." Carmen said to the vendor and smile.

"Youre welcome big girl." Said the Vendor.

"Thanks a lot Jenny.." I said while smiling at her.

"Youre welcome. Your daughter is such a good girl. She now knows the right thing.. Goodluck and have a nice day.." She said then I turned to my watch.


It's already morning.

"Thanks again. Bye." I said then we left.


No matter how angry you are in one person, always remember the good things that they've done to you in the past, the time that you're in a trouble or in danger. Always remember the sacrifices of your MOM.

The person that teaches you how to stand all by yourself, The person that teaches you to talk, to be nice to people, to have faith and to love, is the person that will love you forever. And that person is your MOM.

Everyone will not live forever.
Your Mother will not live forever.
But until her last breathe, she can prove to you that her LOVE will last forever..

Advice :

Life is short, Time is fast. So enjoy every moment of your life. :)


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