Chapter 17

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*Joeys POV*
I spent 3 hours staring at my phone, hoping, praying that Shane would text. Nothing.
"Text me back god dammit!" I screamed out of anger, bursting into a thousand tears for the millionth time that day.
My phone rang, just as I was about to throw it forcefully against the wooden walls.
With tears making my eyes blurry, I wiped them away and saw Shane's name. I smiled widely and pressed the answer button eagerly.

"Shane!" I squealed excitedly. "Hello?" I said again after not receiving a reply. Before I said another word, I heard a soft sob from the other end.

"H-hes gone." My face turned pale. I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Shane I'm so sorry," I apologised, I didn't know what else to say. He sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed.

"I love you Shane." I told him, the other line went quiet for a while.

"I l-love you t-too." He finally stuttered out.
"I'm not coming back Joey," he told me after taking a deep breath. A part of me already knew this but I hated the fact that it was actually true.
"This is the e-end for us..."

"Shane don't you dare say that!" I demanded him, he needed me and I wasn't going to just be erased out of his life.

"Fuck, Joey! My life is so messed up I-" he cut himself off by crying again.

"You what?" I asked, begging him to finish the sentence.

"I don't want to be here anymore." His voice trembled and my heart started to pound.

"Don't fucking say that. Don't ever say that again!" I shouted, I wasn't pissed off, I was scared, so scared that I might loose the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"Bye Joey, never forget me." And with that, he hung up. I felt sick with hopelessness as I dialed his number, trying to get through to him.

"Pick up the fucking phone!" I screamed, punching the wooden wall. I hurt my knuckles really bad but I ignored the blood as it trickled down my arm.
I pushed the phone into my pocket and ran out of the cabin door, not caring to lock, or even shut it behind me. I ran as fast as I could to the main reception.

I reached there within 2 minutes and almost collapsed on the desk.

"You...need to give me...Shane's address..." I coughed up, not really thinking through my plan.

"I'm sorry sir but that's against our security regulations-"

"Fuck your regulations! My boyfriends dad just died and he's on the edge of killing himself, and if I can't be there to even persuade him that his life is worth living, the what the fuck kind of boyfriend am I? So you better move your slutty ass on that computer, find his address print it out and give it to me before I find a bomb and blow up this entire fucking camp and we can all go together, so what's it gonna be?" I screamed at her, threatening and swearing more than I ever did before. Within 30 seconds, she had the piece of paper printed off and in my hand.

"Thank you very much." I somewhat sarcastically thanked her. I turned fast on my heels and power walked over to the exit.

"Sir?" I turned my attention around to her.
"I know that area. I have a car, I can get you there faster than any bus or cab." I smiled at her hopefully.
She stood up and climbed over her desk, running over to me. Her heels were slowing her down so she flipped them off, grabbed my hand and we both ran as fast as possible.
She showed me her car and we both dived in, forgetting about the seat belt and speeding law before pulling off and driving fast out of the camp.

"Hang in there Shane, I'm coming for you." I whispered, closing my eyes and begging silently.

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