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Well, now we're fucked. I quickly bounced away to see Lyn standing in the archway.
"Do you two ever stop?" I hear her scratchy voice cut through the air like a knife.
"Lyn just go back to sleep."
"Well I would if I didnt have to listen to the double dykes moaning in our kitchen"
"Im not a dyke." Sam exclaimed.
"Explain Zo's face between your tits then."
Sams face lit up like a tomato, and she covered it with her hands. I laughed and wrapped my arm around Lyns neck.
"Lighten up, Lynyboo." Lyn leaned her head against my shoulder before stepping away, and letting out a soft sigh.
"You two have been drinking again, havent you?"
Neither Sam or I answered, which I knew would lead to a long conversation in private.
She gave me a look and glanced toward her room. I nodded my head, and started following her towards her room. After what seemed an eternity of her lexturing me about taking care of Sam, and myself, she finally decided to head to bed. Lyn had a bad habit of getting frustrated easily. She'd be fine in the morning. After I got out of her room, I came back into the kitchen to find Sam missing. Heading towards my room, I realized her bra was hanging off my door handle. God, I love this girl.
I grabbed the bra off my handle, and rushed into the room, closing the door as quietly as possible behind me. I saw her laying on my bed, I smiled to myself and whispered
"Babygirl, move over."
With no response, I sighed and covered her up with my blanket. For such a small girl, she managed to take over a queen bed with no problem. It looked like I would be sleeping in her room tonight. I grabbed my sweatpants off my dresser and went to leave the room when I heard my blankets rustle.
"Where are you going?"
"Sam, you passed out in my bed again."
"Its alright baby, just go to sleep."
"Come lay with me."
I felt my eyebrows shoot up. She never asks me to sleep with her. Ever. Not wanting to lose my chance, I rushed to the side of the bed. Slowly, I crawled next to her, putting one arm around her waist. She squirmed in closer to me, and I held her warm body tight against mine. Fading in and out, I fell asleep to the steady pace of her breath.
The next morning, I woke up with no blanket. I turned over to see her gone. Which didnt surprise me. I yawned loudly, and headed out to the living room. As soon as I opened my door, I heard Jess's loud mouth. Her and Lyn must be arguing. I walked into the living room, and realized they were playing my xbox.
"May I ask how that found its way out here again?"
"Uh.. Sam brought it out here!" Lyn said between giggles.
"Nice try, Lyn."
Jess gave me a look, and I simply nodded back. She wasnt my favorite person, but I could tolerate her.
"Where is Sam?" Jess spoke loud enough for the whole building to hear.
"Jess, its sunday. Shes at church."
"Well isnt that ironic?"
"I mean you two played devils pornstars last night on our counter, now shes out praising."
Lyn laughed as I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Im gonna head out to the library, might go visit Sherry."
"I swear youd marry that old bat, if you had the chance."
I laughed as I grabbed my keys off the counter. I went to close the door and heard both the girls yell at me to come back. I quickly came back in the door.
"Hate you." They both said and smiled.
"Hate you too." I smiled again and walked out.

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