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I stop outside a little apartment, that I hope is hers. I text her that I think im here, right before I saw her coming towards my car. She had on a pair of black jeans, with a skin tight shirt on. Her cleavage peeping from the top. I did a sly little side smile as she hopped into the passenger seat.
"You look gorgeous." I said with my eyes glued to her thighs.
"Well thats nice of you, if you were looking anywhere but my legs."
I shot my eyes up and blushed. I pulled away and began to drive towards Maxs.
"Sorry about that." I said with a wink.
"You dont look too bad yourself."
"Thank you. So, quick question."
"How exactly did I manage to get a hot girl like you in my car?"
"By telling me theres a party at the end of this trip."
"Oh, it wasnt my charm that lured you in?" I said with a laugh.
"Sadly, no." I glanced to the corner of my eye to see her looking at me, while biting her lip.
"Ill step up my game a bit, sound like a deal?"
"Sounds good to me."
I let her control the radio, and we got into a discussion about her. She's from the same hometown as me; just different high schools. 21 years old, and currently single. Hell yes.
We pulled up to Maxs house around
9:20, and the road was covered with cars. I parked down by Ambers, and got out to open Alex's door. She stepped out and instantly grabbed my hand. Taking me by surprise, I looked down at her.
"What's this for?"
"I just dont want to lose you in there, I dont know anybody here."
"Well holding my hands means you get to drink just as much as me. Shot for shot?"
I laughed, and walked along, holding her hand. Walking into Maxs is always like walking into a Moes, everyone screams your name.
I hear shouted from about five different people as soon as I come through the door. Max and Adam run up to me, and ask who my new girl is. I laugh and introduce her, and they then announced to everyone her name. Bad idea. Before I knew what was happening, Amber came and took her from me, and Max toted me away with the guys.
Max got 4 shots in me before I could even say no. I granbed myself a beer to carry around, but ended up chugging it and a couple more with some of the frat guys. After a while of drinking, and stumbling around with the guys, I went off to find Alex. I found her with Amber and the other girls in the kitchen, and she seemed to be even more drunk than me. She was sitting on a counter, and was laughing along with all the other girls. I walked up to her and stood between her legs.
"Are you having fun?" I yelled over top of the blaring music that was playing through the whole house.
"Fuck yeah, I met these girls. No worries, theyve been taking care of me." Then, she bit her lip and looked down at mind. I pulled her off the counter into my arms, and slowly let her stand on the ground.
"Why dont we go dance?" I yelled again.
"That sounds great."
She grabbed my hand as I lead her into the living room where dozens of people were jumping around, and screaming song lyrics. I pushed our way through, and managed to get us into the center of the room. The couches had been all pushed to the sides, which made this small room seem a lot bigger than it is. I pulled Alex towards me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She started dancing close against me, and I could feel her hips grind against mine. She looked down at our hips, and I roughly pulled her into me. She kept one arm around my neck, and the other led her hand up into my hair as she pulled my face down to hers. There was a brief moment where she just stared in my eyes, and then everything exploded. Before I could deny it, she had her lips against mine. I could feel her tongue lightly tracing along my lips before it started making circles around my own. I lightly bit down on her lip, causing her body to jerk up against me. Before I knew what was happening, my hands were both on her waist, pushing my thumbs into her hips. I felt her start breathing faster, and faster. She broke the kiss and leaned up to my ear and whispered loud enough for me to hear.
"Why dont we go somewhere?"
I bit my lip, and started pulling her away from the crowd towards the bathroom downstairs. We ran down the stairs, and into the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me, clicked the lock, and it was game on.

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