So it begins

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Cassandra shot up, grasping the covers to her chest as it rose and fell quickly.

The last words the woman had thought chased around her brain, So it begins, So it begins, So it begins.

Cassandra closed her eyes and ran her hand through her waist length curls. They had tangled up a bit during the night, undoubtedly from the tossing and turning the nightmare had caused. Cassandra slowly opened her eyes and looked at her bed, illuminated in moonlight. The sheets and covers were strewn about as were her pillows. Cassandra rarely moved around when she slept, if she did it was because she woke up during the night. So the scene before her was a unfamiliar one.

Is it really that unfamiliar? Has this not happened before?

A voice asked her softly from a corner of her mind. She pushed it aside easily, as she had every other time these kinds of dreams plagued her. Cassandra untangled her legs from the covers and turned over to look at her clock. the numbers 3:52 blinked back at her and she sighed and laid her body back down, she had around two more hours of sleep.

Even with the nightmare still plaguing her thoughts she dropped off into a dreamless sleep in seconds.

As Cassandra slept the things she'd seen in her dream transpired. The only person who knew of the danger the world was in slept deeply.

When she awoke she'd convince herself it was just a nightmare, a nightmare she could remember with startling clarity.

And secretly she'd convince herself it was useless to tell anyone if it was real.

After all who would listen to a teenage girl claiming to see the future?

Two hours later lyrics invaded Cassandra's dreamless sleep.

Racing faster.

Escape disaster.

Partners in crime will leave their mark.

We make our own way

 No thoughts of yesterday.

Black hearts with chrome and battle scars

Cassandra groaned and turned over flopping a hand onto the alarm clock, effectively shutting it up.

Not to say she didn't love Black Veil Brides, she just didn't like waking up early in the morning.

Cassandra rubbed her eyes and sat up yawning widely. She flung her legs off her bed and stumbled around her room, grabbing the already ready outfit and dressing in it. A black V-Neck tee and a pair of purple skinny jeans. She grabbed her shoes and socks and walked zombie like to her bathroom. She shut and locked the door and proceeded to perform the normal morning ritual of a teen girl. She washed her face, brushed her teeth. Then applied her make up, lots of mascara today and light eyeliner with neon purple eye shadow. Her makeup depended on her mood for the day, some days it was all eye shadow, some days emo like eye liner, or just mascara. She liked changing her look daily. She covered her face in powder foundation and some light blush. She stood back and examined her work, the purple actually brought out her amber colored eyes a bit. The eyes weren't a normal color, and she was constantly asked if she was wearing contacts.

She always replied the same, '20-20 vision dear.'

Let them figure the rest out. She grabbed a brush and dragged it through her long dark red tresses, natural of course. And her pride and joy. Cassandra took specific joy in her hair, taking good care of it and brushing it so many times it felt like silk in her fingers.

Cassandra slipped her feet into a pair of black ballet flats and left the room, giving her reflection a sweet smile before she did. She grabbed her back pack and slung it onto her back. Her parents wouldn't be up for another hour or so and Cassandra had to leave. She grabbed a cereal bar and trotted out of the house. She stopped in front of a shiny red street bike and ran her fingers down it, this afternoon she was going to take the test for her motorcycle license and she could ride it wherever she pleased.

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