They made it out

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Owen's POV
I raced back to the control room, the indominous Rex had just escaped and killed two men, now she was out, somewhere on the island trying to work out what she was.

As the lift opened i stormed out and shouted 'what the hell happened?' After arguing with Claire about ACU and the fact she would rather 20,000 people be eaten then shoot a $23 billion beast and being thrown out of the control room, I was stood arguing with the security guard 'it's really not me you should be worried about, it's what's out there' then I remembered, Mil! Where was she? I pulled out my phone and begun to call her when I heard my name being shouted; I turned round to see Claire 'I need you!' She gasped 'okay?' After she explained her problem and proved how bad an auntie she was we jumped in a car and drove to the valley, to try and find her nephews.

I stopped the car when I saw it; the whole herd of Apatosaurus were laid either dead or dying, I jumped out of the car and went and sat with one; it gasped painfully as it died, I stroked it and then it stopped moving, Claire was next to me and she began to cry; 'she's killing for sport' I said then we saw a scary sight. The restricted area gate was thrown open and there was blood all over it.

We ran in that direction and saw more dead dinosaurs 'oh no!' I gasped as I saw triceratops' laid in front of me, ripped to shreds; I frantically tried to look for Fern but I couldn't see her, she must have gotten away or been devoured into such a state I couldn't recognise her!

I pulled out my phone and tried to ring Mil. A light shone in a pool of blood, I walked over and pulled out Mil's phone from the puddle. 'Oh no' I whispered, I felt tears begin to form and my heart started to break, I never told her how much i loved her; I loved her. She meant everything to me and she never knew; I just want her back here. Claire walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, I smiled at her in thanks then took a deep breath and carried on walking.

We saw the boys' gyrosphere ball next, it had been destroyed and Zach's phone was laid on the ground with a big scratch out of it, Claire saw and broke down 'they're dead' she sobbed. 'No they aren't' I whispered to her, pointing at some footsteps, they made it out.

We followed the trail until the edge of a cliff where they stopped 'They made it out.' I looked at Claire who gasped in terror 'Oh, my God, they jumped.' I looked at the mud around the edge of the water 'Brave kids.' I mumbled. I was thinking about Mil when Claire screamed 'Zach! Gray!' I shushed her irritatedly 'Hey, I am not one of your damn animals.' 'Listen, those kids are still alive...but you and I will not be if you continue to scream like that.' I scolded her, part of me didn't want to be alive, not if my best friend wasn't. 

'So, you can pick up their scent, can't you? Track their footprints?' Claire asked and I tutted 'I was with the Navy, not the Navajo.' 'So then what should we do? What do you suggest we do?' She asked 'You get back. I'll find them.' 'No, we'll find them.' She protested, I laughed at her 'You'll last two minutes in there. Less, in those ridiculous shoes.' She looked down at her high heels then tutted, she stared at me and pulled of her blouse tying it abound her wait and rolling up the sleeves, then she put her hands on her hips and looked at me again 'What is that supposed to mean?' I asked, tragically confused. 'It means I'm ready to go.' She replied 'Okay.' I said, then I continued 'Let's get one thing straight.
I'm in charge out here. You do everything I say, exactly as I say it.' I instructed her and she wasn't happy 'Excuse me?' She said. I was fed up 'Just relax. It's just like taking a stroll through the woods...' I moved out of the way to let her pass me then we set off through the jungle. '65 million years ago.' I added and kept my gun in my hand just in case...

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