We Need More

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We drove as fast as we could, we just didn't know where to.  The raptors caught up and began trying to attack the van, Claire managed to run one over then there was thud 'Are you boys okay?' Claire shouted and Zach appeared at the window 'Hey, did you see that?' 'I can't wait to tell Mom.' Gray added and Claire looked terrified 'Please, no. Do not tell your mother about that, ever.' a motorbike noise sounded outside and the boys began shouting 'Owen!''Owen!' He pulled up next to the van and i smiled subconciously 'We gotta get indoors.' he ordered 'Follow me.' Claire nodded and he drove off in front of the van. I grabbed the radio in the van and radioed 'Lowery, we're headed your way. Call in a chopper.'

We then got to the centre of the park, it was empty. Owen ran up behind us, i had Gray attached to one hand and Zach to the other. 'Go inside.' Owen ordered again and Claire answered 'Control room. That way.' we ran down the corridor to the lab, it was all empty 'They evacuated the lab.' i gasped. Owen looked at me then at something past me, there were tanks full of creatures, we looked 'this must be what she's made off' i whispered and gripped Gray's hand tighter as he gulped. 'What are you doing?' i asked as men came in and continued packing up, Hoskins appeared laughing 'I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey.' i was beginning to get increasingly irritated with this prick. I felt my hand move down my leg to my gun but it was stopped by another hand, Owen. He looked at me and i pulled away;  'Where's Henry?' Claire asked 'Dr. Wu works for us.' Me and Gray walked towards a computer screen that was showing a small dinosaur type thing 'That's not a real dinosaur.' Gray said looking at me. 'No, it ain't, kid. But somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future. Imagine... that one, a fraction of the size...deadly... intelligent... able to hide from the most advanced military technology.' Hoskins began a speech 'A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. You see? Millions of years of evolution... what did we learn? Nature is the gift that just-- Oh, shit!' Hoskins was interrupted by Delta appearing at the door, chirping, i pushed Gray to Owen and tried to follow but Hoskins grabbed me and held me against him towards Delta. 'Easy. Easy, boy. Easy. Hey, hey. We're on the same side, right?' i heard him try and talk to Delta, she was coming nearer and started growling, i felt my heart beat erratically. She looked at me and i felt something inside me, she then turned to Hoskin's outstretched hand and sniffed 'Right? Easy. Easy. I'm on your side.' Hoskins then whispered in my ear 'at least if I go, you're coming with me. Owen could get it on with Claire then' my face twisted as he tried to calm Delta but Delta wasn't convinced, she threw her jaws around his hand then pounced on him,  ripping his throat out; i wormed out of his grasp and ran out of the lab, following Owen, Claire and the boys.

We raced onto the corridor 'No, boys. This way. Come on. Come on. Come on.' We raced into the learning centre, with Delta hot on our heels. Gray pressed a button which cause Delta to fight with a hologram, thus buying us time. We raced outside and onto the steps, only to be cornered by the 3 remaining raptors (one had been blown up by InGen). Owen was at the front, in front of Blue 'That's how it is, huh?' She looked at his hand and he reached towards her slowly 'Easy, easy . That's it' she stayed still as he removed her InGen machinery and she looked at him, almost smiling. Then there was a soul- piercing roar as the Indominous appeared round the corner. The battle was about to begin.

Blue roared at the Rex and then looked at Owen who smiled, he had his babies back, he whistled and they leapt into action. They pounced at the Indominous as Owen circled it shooting. Me, Claire and the boys ran and hid in a shack nearby. Gray began to mumble '24, 50. We need more.' i turned to look at him 'More what?'.  'Teeth. We need more teeth. ' An idea popped into my head , i grabbed a flare from the first aid kit and turned to the trio on the floor 'Okay, so, you just wait here. It's gonna be fine.' i ran off, noticing Owen and the raptors, who were quickly losing their battle. I screamed down the radio 'Lowery, are you still there?' 'Hey, where are you?' Lowery's voice sounded back 'I need you to open Paddock 9.' I said running towards it 'Paddock 9? Milly, You kidding?' I began to lose my temper 'Damn it, Lowery, be a man and do something for once in your life.' The door began to open slowly and the ground shook underneath me 'Why did you have to make it personal? Be careful' Lowery spoke as two red eyes met mine, the T-Rex strutted out of its paddock and began to chase me; i ran as fast as i could back to the centre and threw the flare at the Indominous rex then landed on the floor, Owen looked at me with wide eyes as the dinosaurs began to fight ferociously.

I hid behind a rock as Owen joined Claire and the boys 'RUN!' i screamed and they nodded. The dinosaurs twisted and turned. The indominous and T-rex were both tearing chunks out of each other but the Indominous got the upper hand and had Roxy on the floor. I gasped then there was a chirp and Blue appeared, running and pouncing at the Indominous. Blue and Roxy began to fight, giving everything they had. The indominous was injured as Roxy threw her to the edge of the Mosasaurus exhibit.  I grabbed the closest hand next to me as the Indominous stood up and let out a heart-stopping roar. Suddenly the Mosasaurus leapt out of the water and clasped its jaws around the indominous, after a few good bites, it pulled the Indominous into the water with it.  Blue roared at Roxy, she nodded and walked off into the jungle and Blue turned to us.  Owen smiled at her and she nodded before walking towards me, I looked at her and she rested her head against my stomach before running off too. I helped Claire and the boys up, giving them a hug then we walked to the visitors centre.

I touched my head, which was pounding and noticed blood all over my hand. I must have hit my head when I landed on the ground or something 'Shit' i  mumbled as i felt darkness cloud over my eyes. I felt myself fall and that was it.

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