Chpater 1

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The beautiful and sunny Los Angeles, has been been very boring and unpleasing lately.  My family and I have been living in LA for as long as I can remember. Its a nice place to live, touristic and amazing to live in; but Im sick of it. It may be one of the best cities in USA, but I don't really enjoy it here. It has been the same routine my entire life ; same people I hate that they call "friends", same school, same house, same everything. I just want a break from all of this.
   I was searching for a place to live for a few months or so. Toronto, New York and a few other cities came through my mind, but Im still only sixteen-years-old, so I, not allowed to live on my own. My father has no sibling, but my mom has a sister, and she lives in Chicago, so I'll be moving there for a while. My aunt's name is Emilie. Since my family enjoys living in LA, they'll be staying here, so Im the only one moving there,
   Its the end of August, and school starts in one week. My aunt sent the application, and she registered me in a High School nearby. I really hope I get to make new friends there. Here in LA, I wasn't treated that well in school, so I hope it's not the same in Chicago as well.
  I've been packing for a few days now, and I finally finished last night. I packed everything I though will be useful, so my suitcase is very heavy. My father is supposed to drive me to the airport. I jump down the stairs, smiling a bit. Im happy to leave this place. Especially my room! We haven't renovated it in years, and its all childish and pink. If there's something I would erase off of this world, it would be that room.
"Dad, Im ready." I call out. He sighs, letting down his news paper and sliding his reading glasses lower. Oh no. He has that look on his face. Its the face he always makes when he's about to tell bad news.
"Beatrice," he starts off, "there has been a change of plans. I have an emergency meeting today and I can't drive you to the airport today." I groan loudly, rolling my eyes. I already payed the plane ticked with my own savings! He has to take me to the airport right now, or I'll miss my flight!
"What? Now! I bought the plane ticked and school starts in one week. I have to be there today!" I raise my voice a bit.
He shrugs, looking at my mother. I swear if I miss my flight, they'll have to buy me a new one, but in the first class section.
"Well, I can get someone else to send you to the airport." he says.
   "Doesn't Marcus' son live in Chicago?" She asks my dad, "He visited his father here for a week or so, and I've heard he's going back today." She informs us.
    "Can he drive me?" I ask hopefully. My father thinks about it for a moment, and then gives a slight nod. I sigh in relief and a smile twitches in my mouth.
Tobias. That's his name. I haven't seen him often, I've just heard of him a lot. Though these past years, we hadn't talked about him. When he moved to Chicago, he left everybody confused. He left with no warning, and no reason. Marcus was devastated for months. We never spoke of him again. He visits his father sometimes, but he never stayed longer than a week. I wonder why.
    My father takes his phone, and dials a number. There's a short conversation of him asking Marcus of Tobias can give me a ride. He nods, "Thank you." He says at the end and hangs up, "He'll be here for a few minutes. Get ready" He says and I smile. I go to the front door and wear my shoes, tying them.
    Im so happy I get to get away from my family. They have been so complicated lately, and they've been driving me insane. I mean; I love them. But sometimes I can't stand them. It's nice to know I'll be my own guardian for a while.
    They all stand up, walking over. I hug them all one by one.
"Are you sure you want to go? We can cancel the flight if you want." My mother says.
"No-no-no. I'll be fine. Don't worry." I say quickly. If I don't leave this place any faster, the next trip I'll be having will be the mental hospital.
    "We're gonna miss you," my dad says, pulling me into his embrace once again.
    "We sure aren't gonna miss your failures." Caleb mumbles, making me glare at him. My mom pinches his hand.
    "Caleb!" She yells at him. She takes a deep breath, sighing afterwards, calming herself as she sees a car parking in front of our doorstep. That must be Tobias. She looks back at me again. "We love you, Beatrice. Hope you have fun." She says kindly, kissing my cheek. I reply by giving them a warm smile.
       "Bye," I say, walking towards the car which seems to be very expensive. Tobias gets outs of the car, and gives a friendly wave to my family.
      "Hello, Beatrice." he says with a fake British accent, which makes me giggle.
       I roll my eyes at my name. I hate my name, that's why I present myself as Tris. "Hello, Tobias." I say, trying to imitate British accent. He smiles.
     "Let me help you with that," he picks up my suitcase as he opens the back of his car. He puts my baggage next to another one which Im guessing is his. "C'mon." He says getting in the car, motioning me to follow him.
     "Bye, guys!" I wave at my family as I get in the car. The car starts, and the image of my parents and brother slowly zoom away as we approach the airport. "Do we have the same flight?" I ask, showing him my plane ticket. He takes a good look, glancing at the road, and then nods. "So where will you leave the car?" I ask him.
     "I'll leave it in the airport parking lot, and have one of my friends to take it back at my dad's house." He says, "It's my dad's car. Mine is in Chicago." I nod.
The song 'All I want' by Kodaline starts playing, making me sleepy. I lean my head on the seat and rest. I barely slept during the night. I kept telling my friend how excited I am to move at Chicago. I can't wait till we go there.

Meant to be ~ Book One Of The "Meant To Be" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now