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2 1/2 Months Since Bella Birthday
Emmett pov:
I was the maddest I've been my entire life that saying something, I can't believe what I just saw my Rosie have passionate sex with my brother Edward. Then they didn't even apologize to me instead said.
"Why are you so surprised we've been together since before you were turned we on,h turned since you looked like Vera son and Rose wanted to be able to fuck you so we convinced Carlisle and Esme that we weren't mates and that we hated each other, but that was never the case how could I ever hate my kiss sexy kiss Rose she is my mate and my wife and my lover." Said Edward
"Fucking hell I'm leaving this deranged coven I'm gonna go off on my own, and fuck you Rosabitch and you to Dickward. I hope you enjoy your life together. I'm sorry Carlisle and Esme but I can't stay here. I'm gonna miss you guys and Jasper and Alice as well. I'm gonna go pack my stuff and leave." I said.
Then walked off to my old bedroom and packed my clothes, laptop, my own personal iPhone 6s,laptop iPad mini and iPad. I secretly do have a gift but no one ever found out I'm not as dumb as everyone believes I'm a certified computer engineer and I have my masters in technology. Ha take that suckers, and don't get me wrong I love Carlisle,Esme, Jasper and Alice but I can't stay here with Rosabitch and Dickward. I'm not gonna stop being a vegetarian but I believe it's time I found my mate maybe start a coven of my own. First thing first divorce Rosabitch, and it. Good thing I made the bitch sign a pre-nup ha now she ain't getting none of my money or my houses. Grabbed my bags and Manila envelope with the document I needed her to sign did I forget to mention I'm a legitimate lawyer in both family and divorce. She should made sure I was dumb as she thought. I walked downstairs to see Esme sobbing in Carlisle arms. I waked up to Esme and Carlisle and hugged them both.
"Don't worry I will visit you both you are my parents after all. I just need time to find my true mate and then find out who I really am I will always be a Cullen."
"Your always welcome back son." said Carlisle.
"Please at least call me and text me or email me." said a sobbing Esme.
I pulled her into my arms and let her dry sob on my shoulder and just told her I love her and I promise to say in touch. I then walked over to Alice and Jasper and hugged them both.
"I love Jazz and Ali you guys were always my favorite people to hang out with is I will keep constant with you and email, text, and call."
I hugged Alice first then Jasper who was projecting how he and Alice were feeling. They were feeling sad, lost, love, anger and disappointment about toward and Rosabitch and Dickward. I then walked over to Rosabitch and Dickward and gave Rosabitch our divorce papers and the stuff I received from her over the years that I no longer wanted. She opened the envelope and looked shocked as hell. I smirked at her.
"That's all legal, therefore I don't own you shit for are marriage and you have no entitlement to my money or my houses. I am not some dumb kid you can fuck with I may not act smart but that does not give you an excuse to use me like some you in a game. Oh and one more thing I will get a hold of Bella she is the only in this mess that was hurt like me and she probably is feeling like how I am now or worse since it seems like we all abandoned her because Dickward thought it was for the best."
I looked at Rosabitch and waited for her to sign the divorce degree. She hesitantly signed it and handed it back to me, and I took it back.
"Good idea to sign it without a fight because had you hadn't there would have been major issues because I'm a lawyer and computer genius so I would be able disable all your stuff and Dickwards if you didn't." With that being said I grabbed my bags and loaded up my red Chevrolet Avalanche this is just one of my personals I own. Well time to find Bella then maybe find my mate. Forks, Washington here I come and I'm praying Dickward didn't hurt her cause if he did that fucker is dying by my hand alone.

12 Hours Later in Washington

After 12 hours of driving I'm back in Forks, and now I'm off to go see Bella I hopeless she will see me I've missed her so much she was the only one to really understand me she understood I wasn't just some over grown kid that love to play video games. I mean yes I like to play video games but I also do a lot video game designing and I like to play the guitar. No one really knows I can play the guitar besides Bella and myself. She found out one day when she came over when everyone else was hunting I was playing my favorite song "Everything" by Michael Bubble. On my guitar singing the song when she walked in with out me noticing and stared to sing along with me. She smiled at me when we finished. She said "How long had I been playing?"
I said "I've been playing for most of my life but I don't play much no one even knows beside you now. I don't want anyone to know if can play because if they did they would want me to play classical music like Edward and Rosalie, and I don't want anyone to define how I play and what I play."
She smiled at me and kissed my cheek and just came over next to me and asked me to play since the others aren't due back for at least an another 2 hours. I agreed and played for a while and then she surprised me began playing, the guitar and singing "When I Look At You" by Miley Cyrus. I smiled that she was letting me in on her secret. I asked who taught her how to play. She said Charlie did it was how they bonded when she came down to visit in her summer. When she came down they always spend at least one week playing and writing music together.

At Bella House

I finally reached Bella house and knocked on the door and waited. The door finally opened and revealed..........

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