The Call from Olympus

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Hades POV
Everything was calm, Nico and Percy helped me with the underworld, they would catch souls that sometimes wondered from the fields of asphadel and bring them back, until I got a call from Olympus, the Titans had raised Gaia, they said that if I helped them they would give me a throne on Olympus, I didn't care about that, but I accepted anyway, "now to tell Nico and Percy" I thought, I sent a messenger to get them. Several minutes later they walked into my throne room "what is it?" Nico asked "I got an iris message from Olympus, the Titans have raised Gaia and they need help, I know you don't want the gods knowing you're alive Percy but they need help" I said

Percy POV Several minutes earlier
I was lying down on my bed in my room when I heard a knock on my door, I went up and answered the door to see a skeleton "lord Perseus, Hades has requested an urgent meeting with you and Prince Nico" he said "very well, tell him i'll be there soon" I told him before shutting the door and going to my dresser, I grabbed a black trench coat, a black undershirt, and black jeans. I them walked to my closet and grabbed my black combat boots, I then walked to my restroom and looked in the mirror, ever since I've been here I've gotten paler and my hair had slightly grown out, I looked good. I then left my room and walked toward Hades' palace, I looked to my right and saw Nico walking toward the palace, I walked over and joined him "hey Nico" I said "hi Percy" he replied "what do you think this meeting is about?" I asked curiously "I don't know, last time we had an urgent meeting he made you a prince" he said "maybe this time he'll make me king" I said jokingly "in your dreams" he said, we spent the rest of the walk joking around. When we got to the palace we hurried to the throne room, when we got there Hades had a sullen look on his face "what is it?" Nico asked "I got an iris message from Olympus, the Titans have raised Gaia and they need help, I know you don't want the gods knowing you're alive Percy but they need help" he said "no, no, hell no" I said angrily "Percy Olympus will be destroyed" Hades said "I don't care, let it burn" I yelled "if the gods die then so do the mortals, and that includes your mother" Hades said, that got the me, the idea of the Titans or Gaia killing my mother was too much "fine, but they can't know it's me" I said "I've already thought of that" he said, he then reached behind his throne and pulled out a cloak "I've got one for both of you, you'll both go by different names, they'll never know it's you as long as you have these on" he said "you owe me big time" I said "I know" he said nervously, me and Nico grabbed the cloaks and walked out

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