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Luke's P.O.V.

We are currently at the Halloween store. (I know it's not Halloween anymore but let's just pretend.) I dragged Calum here.

Took a lot of work to be honest. But I did it. I told him that he can pick my costume out if he came and so of course that got him up.

To be honest, I don't even know where he went. He was with me looking at the Spider-Man costume but then he disappeared to who knows where.

I try looking for my size but they don't have any in it.

Go figure.

I keep scanning until I find a ninja turtles costume.

I see the Leonardo one. I like it , I think I'm a get it.

All of a sudden I see footsteps coming towards me.

"Lukeeeyyy?" Calum asks in that voice which means he's about to ask for something.

"What Cal?"

"I picked out a costume for you." He smirks.

"I swear to god Calum if this is som--"

I get cut off by him. He shows me the costume me from behind.

My eyes widen and my face turns into a deep shade of red.

"What. The. Fuck. Calum." I mutter.

It's basically a playboy outfit. It's called 'Sexy Bunny' .

"Do you like it? Because I love it like a lot."

"N-No Calum! Are you crazy?!" I smack him still blushing hard as hell.

"You said if I came I can pick out the costume."

"Yeah but not something like that!"

"But I really really really like it." He whines.

"Besides I found somethings already. I'm gonna be Leonardo. There's a Donatello one over there so we an match."

"I ain't wearing that shit. Estas loco?"

That's what I'm thinking when you showed me that bunny outfit.

"Fine then. Don't dress up but I already got mine."

"I know , it's this one."

"I said no Calum."

"Okay well then I'm leaving, bye." He says turning around and walking away.

"No , don't leave please!" I say chasing after him.

"Okay then wear the bunny suit."

"No! Calum! It's so kinky!"

He huffs and continues walking.


He turns back around.

"Fine I'll wear it but not the party."

"Then what's the point?"

"I'll wear it after.." I mutter lowly blushing.

His eyes widen.

"Y-You mean just for me to see?" He asks.

I nod shyly.

"Fuck yeah!" He says licking his lips.

I roll my eyes.

"You're a horny bastard."

"Only for you." He winks.

I shake my head and go pay for the outfits. But I secretly grab the Donatello one for him. If he's making me wear that suit then he's gonna have to dress up too.

☞ Él Panadero ☞ » cakeWhere stories live. Discover now