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Last chapter

It was happening. I could tell. The throbbing is dimming and I can tell it will only be a matter of hours before it happens.


"Is she Ok?"
" I-I don't know..." The voice of my best friend drifts into my head. I feel a small hand slide into my own and squeeze. Cal.
"Go get Dad, Tim," he commands. Tim plants a kiss on my forehead and leaves. Cal says something but I'm already under before I can hear.


Moments. They all blend together. People come and go. So does my consciousness.


I can hear the sobbing off my family and Tim. It suprised me that I can her my mother among them. Her perfume floods my nostrils and I feel safe.


They start the good byes. I hate good byes.

" Bye pipsqueak, " Tim says, voice thick with tears. I want to say something back but my entire body feels heavy.

" I'll miss you, " the small voice of my brother says. It breaks my heart to hear him in so much pain. Especially pain caused by me.

" My beautiful girl. My beautiful baby girl..." My father's voice trails off in sobs.

My family one by one says there good byes. My grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins all have something to say.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry," my mum says, crying freely. Her tears stain my clothes but I'm to tired to move.

I try to say the one thing I want to say to all of them but the words won't form. My mouth is cotton.

Good bye


Moments. The fluttering of a butterfly wing. The hum of a bee. The trample of a baby deer. All moments.

Moments. All leading up towards this one.

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