Open Heart Surgery

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Can you do a zack merrick imagine where he is dating the reader and he is taking care of her after open heart surgery and he is really protective and its really fluffy thanks

AN All these Zack imagines, can I get a hell yeah? I hope this is up to your fluff standards, thanks for being super patient. I promise I'll get to people as soon as I can, okay? If that means I have to do double updates then hell yeah I'm doing those. Thanks for reading friends, enjoy your Zack story xx

Your POV

After waking up in the hospital after my surgery, I saw Zack standing over me. He had a wide smile on his face, probably happy that I made it out. Open heart surgery isn't exactly a one day trip to the hospital.

"Y/N!" he cheered as I came out. His voice was still its high register and soft tone, but it was excitement that I heard. And it made me smile.

"Hey Zack," I grinned, greeting him as I tried to sit up.

"Don't try to sit up, love." Zack came by my bedside and put a hand on my chest.

"Actually," a voice came from the doorway and I strained my neck to look at who the owner was. "It's perfectly fine if Y/N has some activity in her day. Recovering can be fine, but you're going to need to gradually increase some in there."

Zack made a face, but turned his attention towards me. The doctor was filling something out on the sheet, so he took this opportunity to talk to me. "I don't care what the doc says, I'm not letting you lift a muscle while I'm around."

I was discharged shortly afterwards, and Zack took me to my home. He helped me get inside and set me up on my bed with a bunch of pillows and movies. He told me he'd be right back before he disappeared behind my door. I sighed and snuggled in with my blankets.

He came back in with a suitcase rolling behind him. "What's that for?" I asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"I'm staying here," he stated like it was obvious. "I can't just let you be here all alone and not have me here to protect you. What if something goes wrong? What if you forget to take your pain medication?"

I giggled a bit, but stopped shortly after. The pain in my chest didn't allow me to giggle very well, but at least it felt better than before. "Zack, I'm not going to die, you don't need to live here with me."

"Too bad," he grinned. He set his bag next to my closet before climbing on my bed to join me in laying down. "So what movie did you choose?" He looked back at me, his hazel eyes looking me up and down.

"None yet, if you looked at the screen you'd notice nothing was playing." I laughed lightly at his expression, but he shook it off and shrugged his shoulders.

"Then let's choose." He sat up, looking for the movies he tossed at me. I didn't even give them a glance because I thought I'd be sleeping. But a movie with Zack was worth the loss of sleep. "Let's watch all the bond movies."

"Zack, there's like over twenty of them, we're going to be here for a month."

"There's actually twenty-three, and if the average movie is two hours long, then we'll really only be here for forty six hours, or a little under two days." He gave me a smile and I just stared at him until I shrugged my shoulders in defeat.

"Fine, we can watch the bond movies." Zack grinned and threw his arms open so he could hug me, but right as I was going to, he put his arms away.

"You're not allowed to do anything strenuous, so no hugs today."

I pouted my lip out and gave him my best attempt at the puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

Zack Merrick ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now