Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:
Ichigo woke up to find himself in an unfamiliar room. He sat up, noticing he had been on a bed and walked to the door quickly, cursing in frustration when he yanked on it and nothing happened. Turning to look at the room again, he frowned, it wasn't a typical setting for a kidnapping. The room was small, the bed taking up half of the space, a small sofa and table in the remaining space.
Spotting another door, Ichigo went over to it quickly, his hope fading when he pulled it open to see a bathroom. Returning to the original door and pulling on it again, he cursed and banged his head on the wood when it again didn't open.
"What the hell am I going to do?" The door handle twisted in his hand and Ichigo jumped back, taking up a defensive position as he faced the door. His eyes narrowed when Sosuke Aizen walked in. "What are you playing at? Take me home now." He demanded, keeping his stance as Aizen shut and locked it again before turning to smile at him.
"I'm sorry I can't do that Ichigo. You see, without you, my dearest Amy won't return." He chuckled when Ichigo's eyes widened. "Oh you don't know who she is?"
"She's a teenage who was sleeping with my partner." He replied coldy, standing up straight and folding his arms. "I don't see why that gives you the right to kidnap me."
"You really have no clue do you?" Aizen laughed again and Ichigo's eye twitched. "I doubt that would happen, they share a father after all. You didn't know?" He asked when Ichigo's face went slack. "Oh dear, you really are in over your head."
Aizen walked towards him and Ichigo stepped back wearily. "Don't come near me." He stumbled slightly and Aizen grabbed his arm. "Let me go, now." The man dipped his free hand into his pocket and Ichigo's eyes widened when he pulled out a needle holding clear liquid. Before he could say anything it was in his arm and Aizen let him go.
Ichigo stumbled back and cradled his arm, looking at him in shock and outrage. "Wha-" He managed to get out before collapsing, Aizen walking towards him with a smirk the last thing he saw.
Grimmjow pulled up outside Ichigo's and sighed heavily, looking at the house apprehensively. "Well on the bright side I can tell him I didn't cheat." Getting out, he walked to the door slowly and rang the bell. When no one answered he frowned and rang again. "Ichigo?" When he again didn't receive an answer, he tried the handle and the door swung open. "Ichigo!" Still no reply and now he was getting worried.
He went upstairs to see if Ichigo was still in the bedroom to find he wasn't. Turning to leave, he saw the open drawer and paused, looking inside to see Ichigo's rings and sighed, picking them up. Back downstairs Grimmjow spotted a piece of paper on the floor and frowned, picking it up to read and his eyes widened when he saw it was a check from Sosuke Aizen.
"Oh god Ichigo... What the hell have I gotten you into?"
When Ichigo woke up again he groaned to find himself still in the room and sat up. Going to rub his face, he paused and looked at his left hand to see it was bandaged. His eyes widened in horror when he saw his ring finger was gone and wriggled his fingers to make sure, yep it was definitely gone. Before he could process this information the door opened and Ichigo cradled his hand to his chest, glaring at Aizen when he walked in.
"What the fuck did you do?!" He yelled, getting unsteadily to his feet.
Aizen merely watched him with a small smile, responding after a moment. "I had to send a message, they know I'm serious now. If I don't have Amy by the end of tomorrow I'll cut another one off."
Ichigo backed up into the wall, his breathing become laboured as he started panicking. "You're fucking crazy!"
Aizen walked over to him and grasped his chin so their eyes met. "Well you better pray Grimmjow trades Amy in for you, otherwise you'll be returned piece by piece." He told Ichigo cheerily before patting his cheek. "Do you want some food? I'm sure you're hungry by now it's been over twenty four hours since you ate."
Ichigo's eyes narrowed and he yanked his head free from the mans grasp. "No I'm not."
Aizen sighed. "Suit yourself, I'll be back soon."
With that he left and Ichigo slowly sunk down the wall to collapse on the floor. What am I going to do? How can I escape like this, especially if that bastard starts hacking off all my fingers. Grimmjow, whatever you're doing please hurry up and find me before it's too late.
His stomach protested loudly about its lack of food and Ichigo curled up, cradling his injured hand to his chest. Apparently there was still some drugs left in his system as the next thing Ichigo knew the door was being opened again and a man was entering with a tray of food. Ichigo stood up abruptly and watched him wearily.
"You need to eat Mr Kurosaki, you'll have no strength otherwise." He said, setting the tray on the table. Ichigo walked over cautiously and as the man took the plates off the tray he slid it away and grabbed it. Before the man could react Ichigo brought the tray down on his head, knocking him out instantly.
The tray clattered to the floor and Ichigo grabbed the keys, quickly leaving the room to make his way down the corridor. Hearing voice, Ichigo panicked and ducked into the next room, pressing his war against the door to listen and sighed in relief when the voices faded. Going back out, he walked down the corridor quietly, listening hard for any noises.
After several minutes of walking, Ichigo found himself outside and grinned, it soon fading when he saw the grounds were surrounded by a high walked fence topped with barbed wire. No way he could climb over that, even if he was in a perfect condition. Instead he opted for moving across the grounds to slip back into the house further along and hopefully away from Aizen.
This part of the house though, Ichigo soon realised, was more crowded than where he previously was. He found himself ducking in and out of several room and hiding a lot more often to remain unseen. When several men ran past he overheard them talking about a security breach in the west ring.
Great, looks like they know I've escaped. I've gotta get out of here. Or at least find a phone to call the police. That was harder than he thought as no matter how many rooms he entered, there were no phones to be seen. Who the hell lives in such a massive place without so much as a single phone?! Ichigo thought furiously, ducking down another corridor as he heard footsteps.
He rested against the wall and let out a quiet sigh. "Shit, I'm not going to last much longer like this..." He muttered, rubbing his eyes as his vision blurred again. Pushing away from the wall Ichigo made his way unsteadily to a large pair of wooden doors and pushed inside.
He found himself in a large ballroom and raised an eyebrow, apparently Aizen was one hell of a rich man. Walking across the room, Ichigo cursed as his footsteps echoed and sped up. Hearing another set of footsteps, he came to a stop and turned around slowly.
"Well, well. You're just full of surprises Ichigo." Aizen commented, watched as Ichigo's eyes widened and he backed up. "Even in your state you made it this far. I guess you need to be readily sedated or you're going to be a problem."
"So you're going to drug me up?!" Ichigo asked incredulously, looking around to see he was being cornered by Aizen and three of his men. "You won't get away with this, I won't let you."
"My dear boy, you don't have a choice." Aizen grabbed Ichigo's arm, injecting more sedative into the man and after a moment the orange head stood calmly on the spot, his face blank of any emotion. "Good boy." He patted Ichigo's cheek before addressing one of his men. "Take him back to his room and make sure he doesn't escape again." He watched Ichigo follow after the man and smiled. "Maybe you're not as bad as I though Ichigo..."
Grimmjow went home, the cheque firmly in his hand as he went inside to find his family still at the table. "Aizen has Ichigo." He said, throwing it on the table and sat down with a heavy sigh. "He's just gone and I found this."
"We already know." Nel replied quietly and Grimmjow looked at her questioningly so she handed him an envelope. He took it after a moment and opened it cautiously to see a note and pulled it out to read.
' By now as I'm sure you are aware, Ichigo Kurosaki has been taken. He will be freed once Amy has been safely returned to me. If she is not, Ichigo will suffer painfully. Here is a gift to show you what will happen to him if you do not comply. You have twenty four hours to respond before another one is removed.
- Aizen '
"What does he mean 'gift?'" Grimmjow asked, looking at the three women to see their faces paled. "What's he done to Ichigo?" He asked, his voice dropping and then he saw a box on the side.
"Grimmjow wait, please don't!" Nel said, grabbing his arm to stop him. "Please don't look."
"What is it?" Nel just shook her head so he pulled his arm free and approached the box. Opening the lid, Grimmjow looked inside and froze. "Tell me that isn't..."
"It is." Amy said, standing up and walked over to him, slowly closing the lid again. "Aizen wouldn't joke around, don't take his threat lightly. Another one will be sent tomorrow if I don't go back."
"I'm going to kill him." Grimmjow stated calmly, turning to look at Amy. "You have a gun right?"
She rose her eyebrow. "Uh, yeah? I'm not giving it to you though."
"Why not?"
"You've never used one. You're more likely to shoot Ichigo then Aizen and you can bet he'll have him close at hand in case anyone gets that idea."
"I don't care! Didn't you not see what was in that box? It was Ichigo's fucking finger! I'm going to kill him for doing that to Ichigo!" Grimmjow stopped with a heavy sigh and ran a hand though his hair. "This is my fault. If it wasn't for me, Ichigo wouldn't be in this situation."
"Actually it's my fault." Amy said hesitantly placing a hand on his arm and smiled bracingly. "Don't worry, we're going tomorrow for the trade ok. You'll get Ichigo back before Aizen does anything else to him."
"What about you?" Nel asked worriedly and she shrugged.
"I'll survive, Aizen wants me alive at least. Besides, I can't stay here knowing Ichigo's there, it isn't fair." She paused and looked at Grimmjow who was leaning against the table with his head bowed. "Especially not on Grimmjow."
"Isn't there anything else we can do?" Nel asked exasperatedly, looking at her mother for help who frowned.
"We could involve the police..."
Amy shook her head. "Can't, Aizen has contacts there, they wouldn't help. There is no other option ok? Tomorrow Grimmjow will take me back to Aizen's estate and trade me for Ichigo. That's the only way this can go."
"We'll get you out of there, I promise." Grimmjow murmured, looking at Amy. "I don't care what it takes, as soon as Ichigo's safe I'm coming back for you."
Amy nodded and managed a small smile. "Thank you."

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