Chapter 7- Orion

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Chapter 7- Orion

"Move what?" I scowled. Will sighed and folded his arms.

"Move the apple without touching it. Use you magic to move it." Owen stood next to me and scratched his head. Then he bent down next to the table and starred at the apple.

"Move" he commanded. Nothing happened.

"Please" he smiled. Nothing happened. Will slapped his forehead and sighed.

"Asking the apple nicely won't work." Owen frowned and tapped his chin. Then he glared at the apple and concentrated on it. The apple began to float. Owen smile and cheered.

"I win!" By him doing that he lost control of the apple. The piece of fruit zoomed around the room, finally crashing into my eye with a loud whack. I groaned and rolled around on the ground.

"WHAT THE CRAP, OWEN. WHATCH WERE YOU FLY YOUR FRIUT!" Owen, Will and Charlie giggled above me.

"Sorry, bro" Owen snickered. I growled and raised my hand. Three more apples soared out of the kitchen and hit them in the head. I smiled and wiped the squished apple out of my eye.

"Suckers." Owen and Charlie had this murderous look on their face.

"MAGICAL FRUIT FIGHT!" Charlie screamed. Different kinds of fruit zoomed around the room hitting us in the face. Rose stood by the stairs frowning. "I don't get how this is suppose to help me." Will laughed and brushed a banana slice off his cheek.

"I think we've had enough of a fight." He snapped his fingers and all the fruit disappeared leaving the room clean. Will pulled and apple out from under his cape and held it up to Rose.

"Move the apple." Rose sighed and squinted at the apple. We stood there in silence until Rose cursed and sat down on a stair.

"I can't do it." Will bent down and smiled at her.

"I know you can do something. Come on. Try again." Rose ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

"Okay." She glared at the apple for a moment before frost slowly started to cover the apple. Then the same thing happened to Roses hair. It slowly turned an icy white.

"Rose" I snapped. She took her focus off the apple and fell back. The white in her hair began to fade.

"Thats what I thought was wrong" Will said throwing the apple straight at Charlie. Before it hit him it bursted into snow flakes. Will turned back to Rose and frowned.

"Your cursed."

"I'm what" she gasped. Will sat next to her and said, "your cursed. This all makes sense now. You can't do magic because your cursed. Whenever you try to do magic you'll end up freezing something instead. Now I know why your uncle was so specific on protecting you. It was your curse that worried him." Owen and I looked at each other.

"Are we cursed?" Will shook his head.

"I find that the strangest part though. Only Rose is cursed." Owen and I smiled.

"What'd you do, sis?" Rose stood up and stomped her foot.

"I didn't do anything! I don't even know how to do magic! How can I possibly get cursed!" Will rubbed his chin and thought about the possibles in why this would happen. Just then Caesar entered the room wearing his usual get-up.

"Uncle, did you know Rose is cursed? That is the answer to your question you had yesterday" Will explained. Caesar paused and looked at him.

"She's cursed? By what?"

The Magicians- 1- The Decendent And The Cursed [Finished Draft]Where stories live. Discover now