Chapter 13- Rose

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Chapter 13- Rose

Charlie stomped his foot on the ground in fury.

"I wish I could have turned those jerks into ants!"

Will, Owen, Orion, Caesar and I sat in the living room as Charlie paced around. Zilla was cleaning Fruit Snacks new room trying to get him comfortable. So they did see the fiasco ahead, thankfully.

"Charlie, it's fine. There just some jerks who push us around a lot. It's nothing to get upset about" Orion said holding an ice pack up to his black eye.

Charlie frowned and folded his arms.

"I wanted to help though! You were getting hurt and I didn't do anything!"

Owen smiled and said, "I feel like that when he protects me from those guys. Just let it go, bro."

Charlie was just getting started though. He clenched his fist and stomped his foot on the ground.


Charlie bursted into black flames as he screamed in rage.

Will stood up and yelled, "everyone get back! No one touch him!"

Caesar helped herding us back. They seemed horrified by Charlie. Will seemed even more scared. I realized why though. When Charlie looked up with eyes and mouth where glowing an evil red that seemed to cause my body to go into defense mode.

"Charlie!" I shrieked.

Wills hands were shaking in fear and he stepped back from Charlie.

"D-death fire" he stuttered.

"What" I yelled.

Will shook in his place as he screamed, "Charlie! Your a death fire demon!"

Charlie's expression changed from angry to puzzled.


Apparently he didn't know he was covered in black flames.

"Charlie, look at you" Owen gasped.

Charlie looked down at his hands and screamed.

"Why am I on fire!" He turned to see his reflection in the mirror on the wall. He froze in fear and terroir. "Is that m-me?"

Charlie touched his face with his shaky hand. Then he turned to us with fear growing in his eyes. "What's happening to me, master Caesar?"

It looked like Caesar was to afraid to speak.

"Death fire. Your a death fire demon, Charlie. That impossible! Their extinct!" Will shivered. "No one touch him. Or else you'll burn up right where your standing and turn into ash."

Charlie looked even more scared. I couldn't let the poor kid just stand there helpless. Before I took action, I carefully examined Charlie. His black flames had hints of red in them. And his eyes and mouth seemed to glow red too. That only illuminated the white, razor teeth he had. Whatever power he had, it couldn't be good.

I took a step forward to Charlie with a calm smile on.

"Rose, don't go near him" Will snapped.

I ignored him though. Carefully, I walked up to Charlie and knelt next to him. His big eyes poured into mine as his shaky hand reached out for me.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. You just got to calm down, that's all. Your just shaken up from Orion being hurt" I said in a soothing voice.

I would act just like that when one of my brothers would get hurt. That brings back memory's when Owen would fall off his bike and I would have to clean up the cut on his knee. Or when Orion would come home beat up. I had to remain calm for them. This is kinda like the same problem. "Just close our eyes and take a deep breath and think of something happy. It's gonna be fine" I said to Charlie. He nodded and squeezed his eyes shut. Charlie just kept sobbing softly though. "Your not thinking of something happy. Come on, you can do it" I smiled. He took a deep breath and stood up straight. Slowly, the flames died around him, leaving everyone quiet. When he open his non-glowing eyes he gazed up at me then fell down crying.

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