Chapter 1.

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"Get over it Louis!I haven't done nothing wrong.He's just my dancer." Jade screamed back her boyfriend, Louis.

She was sure her face matched the tomato red Louis' face was.Louis rolled his eyes at her and stood up from his position on the couch, pausing the game that was currently going on, that he would have to catch up on tonight while sleeping on the couch because he was sure this was going to that way.

Jade took a few steps back as Louis stepped up."I don't like the way he touches you.If I had a girl touch me like that-"

"I would understand!I've always understood when you have girls call you theirs and swarm around you!When you take pictures when your fans, kissing them in the cheek, even they try to get a little more.I understand!We are both in the fucking music industry!Besides he's fucking Gay!"Jade screamed out in frustration.She was tired of having the same pointless fights with Louis everyday.

It was absolutely useless.

But right now she was absolutely fired up."He's fucking Gay, Gay, gay, oh yeah and he's gay!"She poked his chest each time she repeated the word, with the last time she said it, slapping his head, trying to get it through his thick skull that seemed not to be getting any of what she had told him before.

"Fuck you Jade!"Louis yelled back, which seemed to be the only comeback he could think of. Jade let out a humorless laugh."Fuck you too Louis!In fact, have fun on the couch.Again!" Jade stormed out of the living area, into their bedroom, slamming the door behind her, making the house shake.

Louis let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair, before settling back onto the couch.He was also tired of having these fights with Jade, but they always just seemed to happen.

Back in the bedroom, Jade was bawling her little brown eyes out.She was didn't need this stress in her life, especially when part of it was becoming so good.
Black magic was a huge success and was only growing bigger, plus she felt as if her and the girls were closer than they have ever been, if that was even possible.But with Louis, things weren't turning out that well.The few nights he had off tour, they spent fighting.He was going to be back on the road tomorrow morning and he was going all the way to America.

Jade loved Louis with all her heart, and was sure that would never ever change, but she wasn't sure if she could take the fighting anymore.

Tonight's fight was about Louis thinking one of their dancer's getting a little too handsy during one of their performances. Which was stupid, because the guy  was gay anyways and was doing the dance he was taught.

In the beginning of their relationship, everything was going so well, but then somewhere along the lines, it started getting worse when Zayn decided to leave the band and Louis got into that Twitter argument with him.It just seemed that his attitude isn't like it was .

The more she thought about their fights, the more the tears poured out of her eyes.

"Are you okay Jade?"Jesy asked as they were on their way out of the Capital Fm building from their interview and little performance of Black magic.

All the girls slowed their walking turning towards Jade.

In their interview, she barely talked and they all could tell her laughs and smiles were fake the entire time,

Jade shrugged her shoulders and sped up her walking, seemingly not wanting to talk about the situation.

Outside of the building, were a swarm of fans, yelling and screaming in a desperate attempt to get the girls attention.

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