Forgetful and Unforgettable

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It was any regular old day. The kids were coloring their pictures while me and the teacher, Ma'am Elis, were talking. Since Jakie volunteered to help out with the kindergarten class every Thursday and every other Friday, Ma'am Elis proceeded to tell me what happened on the previous Wednesday.

Bea, one of the students, had forgotten something vital for the class, her journal for "homework."

Speaking up to Ma'am Elis, she said, "I'm....I'm..."

Ma'am Elis nodded her thinking, encouraging Bea to speak what she trying to say.


In trying to remember her words, Bea mixed up the words forgetful and unforgettable.

Sure, there were times Bea was forgetful to do some things seem was supposed to do, but I can say she is always unforgettable.

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