The Return

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Lucy P. O. V

I saw Natsu calling me and I gave him a peck on the cheek and tried to go inside without crying.

Natsu looked the exact same way at the movies when I threw his scarf off and left...

I felt horrible

LUCY Erza shouted

Erza hugged me

Everyone else asked why I was gone I said come over and I'll show you please don't invite Natsu

Natsu P. O. V

Everyone in the guild is gone I went to Lucy's apartment and I saw a Tiny toddler that had lots of traits as me and... Had fire magic...


Lucy looked depressed she took the child and gave her to Erza so she and Jellal can take care of her

Please take care of Nashi she said to Erza

Okay I will Erza said calmly

Lucy P. O. V

I can't tell Natsu about Nashi or who she belongs to

LUCY! I heard Natsu shout


leo take me to the uhh where ever wait the doctor!

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