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Abby Pov:

Calum decided to take me to this cute ice cream place. As we pulled up, Calum got out of the car and ran to my side. I laughed at his cuteness. He opened my door and I thanked him. Once we got inside the place we got our ice cream and sat down.
"I'm thinking of selling my house," I say.
"Why?" Calum asks.
"Because I don't have enough money to pay for it and it's too big for me. Everywhere I go I see my dad. I'm going to go look at apartments later this week."
"I'll help," Calum says. I smile at his offer and eat my ice cream.
"So I'm taking you to the playground next," he says.
"Are you kidding me?" I say.
"Nope," he says pulling me towards the car. We get in and drive to the playground.

When we get there Calum runs to the swings and I run behind him.
"Push me, Abby!" Calum says. I laugh and start pushing him. This goes on for a while and then he pushes me. We play on the playground for a good hour and I have to say, Calum did make me feel much better.

He sits on the swing set beside me.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks seriously.
"No, I need to forget about it," I whisper.
"You can talk to me, you know, I'm your boyfriend."
"I know," I say, beginning to cry.
"Do you want to go see him? I think that will help," Calum asks. I nod and we walk over to where my dad is barried. Calum stays back and nods for me to go alone.

I walk up to his grave and sit down.
"Hey dad," I begin.
"I really miss you, I think mom misses you too. She said she hasn't changed, so I think it's best I stay here. Then I can be with you, right?" I sniffle a laugh.
"I know you wouldn't want me to be upset anymore, I'm going to try for you daddy, I love you so much" I cry. I hear footsteps come from behind me.

"Uh, hi sir, I'm Calum Hood. I'm sorry we were never properly introduced, Abby has told me some amazing things about you, you will be deeply missed. I promise I'll take care of her," he said now turning to me.
"I think I love her," he says, making me cry. He puts his hand around my waist and we get up and leave.
"So I did a pretty shit job of trying to get you to cheer up, huh?" He chuckles.
"No, it was perfect, exactly what I needed. I can move on now," I say, smiling at him. He smiles back and kisses me on the head. We walk back to the car and head back to Calum's house.

It's now the morning and time for school. I don't know what will happen at school but hopefully I can get through it. We also have a game today and maybe that will help me have a better mood. Calum drives me to my house so I can get changed and then we head to school.

As Calum and I walk into school everyone stares at me. I look at Calum and he grabs my hand and squeezes it. I smile at him and we walk to our lockers and then head our separate ways to our first class. When I walk into math I see Michael in the back. Once he sees me, he runs to me and hugs me. I hug him back and smile.
"Thank you for being here for me," I say.
"You're welcome," he says. We sit down and everyone in my class just smiles at me. I guess having your dad die makes everyone nice to you. Wonder if Haleigh will be nice to me today? Ha, probably not.

The day goes by fast and I make it through. Now it's game time and I'm so excited to play again. I feel like we haven't played in forever. I get ready in the locker room and then head to the field. Once I get there everyone is just passing some balls around. Coach shows up minutes later and we start our warmup. I look over to the other team and see some of the players starring at me. When they see I'm looking at them they smirk and wave to me. I roll my eyes and go back to warming up.

The game is now about to start and coach surprisingly let me start. The ref blows the whistle and the game is on. I pass the ball to Calum who tries to take it up the field, but someone takes it from him. They start dribbling down towards me and I try to get it but they do a trick and get by me.
"Good try princess," he says. I stand there with my mouth open. Did he just really say that. I start to sprint towards him and once I get to him I slide tackle him and get the ball back. The ref let's it slide and I start dribbling down the field. There are only two defenders in front of me and I see Calum out of the corner of my eye heading to the box of the goal. I pass it to him and he gets it. He shoots and it goes in the goal. I run and go hug him to congratulate him. He hugs back and then we run back to our side.

The rest of the half goes by fast and nothing happens, so it's 1-0 at half time. After half time coach tells me to sit out for the beginning of the half. I nod my head, but really I'm pretty upset. Calum gets to start though, which makes me a little mad, but he needs his time to shine. The second half starts and the other team starts with the the ball, but we get the ball from them quickly. Luke passes the ball to Calum who starts down the field. He then passes the ball to Michael who was running up the side of the field. He gets to the corner flag and crosses the ball into the box. Calum sprints into the box and faces the opposite direction of the goal. What the heck is he doing? Suddenly, the ball comes into the box and Calum starts to jump and I realize what he was doing. He does a bicycle kick and gets his foot on the ball. The ball whizzes past the goalie and into the goal.

I start to jump up and down because I was so excited. Coach just stands up and claps. Which actually is good cause he never claps for any goal we get. Calum looks at me and mouths, "Just for you." I smile at him and blow him a kiss. He smiles back and pays attention to the game. At the end of the game the final score is 2-0 and everyone goes to congratulate Calum once were done.

Goals // Calum Hoodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن