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"Is this Mr. Styles' son Harry?"

Harry's world had crumpled when he heard the officers voice. Because the police does not call you asking if you are somebody else's relative, only to tell you a joke and laugh.

This ought to be something horrible, and Harry could sense it this whole night. He couldn't stop fidgeting and he couldn't relax under the covers. For a second he thought that he was intoxicated.

But then again he remembered that he was a nerdy weirdo that didn't have better things to do than sit up and explore Tumblr every single night. College surely didn't change him.

It has been five months since he moved into his dorm, Exactly six months ago since he has heard his mothers voice. And he would never hear her voice again. He wouldn't get to annoy her about Phan being too obvious and he doesn't have anybody to fangirl with now that his sister is gone.

"Y-yes it's Harry." He answered, sitting up straight in his bed.

"I'm so sorry son. But your parents were in an accident," Harry had stiffened. The news were still not being processed in his brain.

They weren't gone still. His mother was still in that beautiful sundress, and his sister was talking nonstop about that group with the odd name; The 1975.

His father was certainty not gone. He was only in the bathroom grooming his beard. Frowning only to see how many lines he had on his forehead.

His family was still perfect back home. Nobody was injured.




"We got you a ticket to come back home, you will have to sign some papers." The officer said. Harry didn't know what he was going on about.

"Wha-What? Where?" He choked.

"It was a car accident son, they were killed instantly."


That word was an enemy. Everything could happen instantly. This summer Harry had become happier, instantly. He was accepted into the college he choose.

And he got a nice roommate mate. Instantly. They didn't even have to change around.

And his mother was crying when he was packing his things, but she was happy for her boy. He was becoming older for each day. He would be able to take care of himself.

Harry had been bullied in school, and he was punched until he fainted.

It took a while for him to faint the first few times they punched him, but after a while he instantly fainted.

His body just couldn't take all the beating.

Harry's family was killed instantly. And he would never be able to use that word the same way again.

Harry returned to London. His home for the past 18 years. Now it has became home for his family, for the rest of time.

Gemma would never get to see someplace other than London, she would never meet Dan and Phil. She would be in London forever. As would his mother and father. The perfect example of a mother and father, their dream of traveling the world would never become reality.

Sometime life feels like it is a joke told by a drunken man. Harry had returned to London back because of a completely different reason than he had hoped to have.

He had planned to come back for Christmas. To celebrate the holidays.

But then he was back to bury his family into the ground. He was back to sign a million contracts and deal with things he had thought he would never deal with again.

Things like depression and panic attacks.

Harry would wake up every night sweating like a pig and reliving the day when he got the news. For a moment he thought his family had just died and his stupid brain tries to deny it.

But then he realised that they were already dead and he had already placed around ten flowers on each grave.

Harry wanted to throw up on the day of the funereal. Everybody were dressed in black, even his roommate was there. He tried to make him feel better, but it was impossible when your whole life and memories would be buried beneath the grounds.

Harry wore his fathers suit, the suit that he wore when he was getting married to Harry's mother. It was passed down to him, given by his father one day when he was joking about Harry finding a boy.

Harry was apparently getting married secretly, but Harry's father didn't want him to get married without a suit so he gave him that one. Just incase.

He is funny.
Or he was.

Harry had cried a river that day, and his mothers sister was trying to shush her children. She didn't have time to mourn a sister she never knew. And certainly she didn't have time to pat a crying teenagers shoulder and tell him that everything would be alright.

Harry wished she had time. But then again he never knew her so it didn't matter.

Everybody left instantly after his family was buried beside each other. There were no more people sniffling and coughing, it was only Harry. Mourning his sister, his father and his beloved mother.

He fell down on his knees. Cried just a little bit more.

He cried until he didn't have any tears left in his body.

Eventually he left too.

He left with a hole in his heart

He left with a promise

Before Mr. Styles died, Harry had promised him to take care of the school. And also promised that he would pass it on to his children.

Harry was only 18, but he would settle down in the school. He had to become old enough to sign the contracts.

Until then he would just work as the janitor.

Oops I did it again

New story idea

And what do I do? I make it LARRYYY hahaha

Hope you enjoy. It's gunna be really short. Three parts at most. <3

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