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The sound of someone falling from something reached Harry's ears as he was brushing his teeth, staring at himself in a dirty mirror.

What was that?

Harry rinses his mouth with water and pulls his shirt down to make it appear straight. He walks out into the hallways of the empty high school when suddenly he runs into something.

Or rather someone, as the tiny someone he runs into is a guy by name of Louis Tomlinson. However, Harry doesn't know that and so he swiftly turns the boy around and places his taller self behind him. Holding Louis in a position he won't be able to move from, his longer leg in between Louis' shorter ones, and his one hand holding Louis' two behind his back.

"I didn't know you were a police officer as well janitor Styles." Louis speaks. He speaks. The tiny boy speaks!

Harry is confused as to how he dares to speak, right after he has been caught breaking into the school. The kids these day are shameless and know nothing of respect for their elders, even though Harry would be only two years older than the seniors in high school.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Harry asks with a frown on his face, even though the boy is not able to see his face.

"I have my reasons- now won't you please let me go?"

Harry noticed his thick accent, however this boy wasn't eating up his words or mumbling, Harry could hear every single word and letter he is saying. He could also notice a little raspiness in his voice.

"No." Harry answers simply.

Louis groans, trying his best to free himself from the slightly older and much taller man. And right when Louis was about to be freed again, another persons voice could be heard.

"What the f*ck are you doing?!" The guy screams walking over faster to the pair.

From the little glance Harry had of him he could see that the guy was tall and dark haired with very dark clothes. Louis was just staring at him now, having given up on trying to free his arms from Harry's grip.

"Who are you?" Harry asks with a glare.

"Who I am doesn't matter," he says with an accent, poking himself in the chest.

"What matters is you trying to rape an innocent child!"

"I'm not a child!" Louis says with an angry expression that Harry can't see. And Harry finds it funny how he reacts on the child part and not on the part where he is supposedly trying to rape him.

"Let go of him before I call the police!"

"You sound foreign, do you even know the number to call for when an emergency occurs?"

The guy looks taken aback, staring with wide eyes at Louis' smaller form.

"Is this man bothering you?" He asks.

Louis, who forgot to fight against Harry's grip suddenly remembers. He makes fists and tries to punch Harry in his stomach or whatever area he can reach from behind.

"Yes he is bothering me, however he is not about to rape me, so you can bugger off." Louis says with an annoyed voice.

The lanky legged guy walks towards the school reception, after asking where it was located. He gave Louis a chance to speak up with the truth, and he looked at Harry with a look that was supposed to be frightening but Harry only saw a little boy squinting his eyes to look scary.

"I'll let you go if you tell me your intentions."

Louis sighs.

"I came earlier to steal the answer sheet for our math test in three weeks, teacher said the test is done so..."

Harry was about to speak up but is interrupted.

"-However I know it is impossible now, but I can't survive with no money fo-" he stops abruptly.

"No money for what?" Harry asks loosening his grip and turning Louis around to face him.

Harry's heart skips a beat when their eyes meet, Louis' blue heavenly eyes, meet with Harry's lively green ones, and a few seconds pass where both of them forget to breath.

Harry moves his eyes from Louis to roam over his face, taking in his elegant and royal looks. Louis could easily pass for the prince of England, if clad with a suite and tie he would be the most beautiful prince.

"What are you?" Harry asks without thinking.

"I'm a student-" Louis starts, still staring at Harry's eyes, looking at him in a different way today than he has every other day.

Louis recalls Harry from the small visits he makes into their classrooms to pick up the trash in between classes. And sometimes when he stays in school late, he sees Harry cleaning the floors or cleaning toilets.

But strangely enough, Louis has never encountered Harry at such a close proximity. Where he can see the specks of yellow in his green eyes, and make out every single eyelash on his bottom lashes. And Louis even notices the little line of worry that is starting to look permanent in between Harry's eyes, but that is none of his business.

"Yes a student I know, but what is your name?"

"Louis. My name is Louis."

Harry's face softens and a sweet smile rests on his otherwise serious looking face. Louis, he thinks glancing at him again, feeling like his eyes are lying to him, because he has never seen a man as beautiful as this one.

"Someone like you, shouldn't be doing such a thing as stealing answer sheets for a meaningless test." Harry says with a laugh.

"Well do you have a better solution?" Louis asks sounding irritated.

"No but I do know what I excel in mathematics."

"You? The janitor?"

"Well I used to be a high school student once, which you would've understood if you stopped acting so ignorant for once."

"Im ignorant?" Louis asks pointing at himself.

"Well-" Harry starts but doesn't finish his sentence.

"Well what?"

"The fact that you're out after answer sheets to cheat, proves a lot about your ignorance."

Louis frowns, looking down at his dirty vans, that are now more gray than white.

"You know what, prove to me that you know more math than me today after school at 17 by the janitors closet." Louis says sternly.

"You're challenging me, in math?" Harry asks with a chuckle.

"-Prepare to lose, Louis." He says with a mocking voice and leaves with a pat to Louis' shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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