whos she.....

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Sonic pov.

I growled and rolled over as the sun peeks out from behind my blinds. "Another day....." I sighed and then slowly crawled out of bed and through the blinkets on the bed.
I wiped the sleep from my eyes and then walked to the bathroom to put my mascara and eyelinder on.....
As soon as I brushed my teeth and swiped with the thick black liquid, brush on my eyelashes and drawed on the eyeliner underneath, I walked happily to my closet and swung open the door....
I decided to wear a green dress that had a see throught lace top and a pale green bottom, with white lace at the trims of the dress, it was a very classic dress but thats what everyone wears....I have to atleast look like I fit in......
I race down the stairs excited to go out side but not without an umbrella.....I'll get burnt by that bright, sun.....o how I wish I could just walk without it......
Today I'm going to shop at the at the flower shop for plants.....I love to garden and I love the type of flower which is called a rose I love how they smell sweet and are delicate, with the shade of red....

Shadows pov.

I happily carry my bags as I walk into the village, my new home.... its quite exciting!! I'm so glad to have moved and get my new job, I'm gonna have a blast shooting them beast with my guns....after what they did to my best friend when I was little......they'll all suffer.........for killing him.....

.......(time skip)......

As I walk into the village I see a girl with royal blue fur, wearing an cute, and sexy outfit....and I saw a couple of men.....let me refraise that alot of men were checking her out.....and I guess it's hard to take your eyes off of her.....I wonder what her face looks like....I can only see her back......
I started to pick up my pace so I could atleast get a glimpse of this hegie....as I past her I saw her wink at the boys and bow a thank you to them but after she walked away she sighed a sad sigh....and sadly cluched her umbrella in her hands......I sat my bags down on the ground and walked up to her.....
She slowly lifted her eyes to mine.....her eyes were beautiful......she was beautiful.......and her figure was very perfect in everyway......she was perfect I can see why men are sworming her.....
"May I help you sir.....?" She said with an innocent tone....her voice is like silk......it was like an angel speaking........
"Yea um....whats wrong...u look down." She smiles a short smile....."I'm fine, truly I'm just fine.....I'm just.......nevermind..." "no please tell me whats wrong....!?" Her eyes widden at my words....she seemed suprised..."why would you care.....even if I told you what was wrong you wouldn't understand, no one ever does so I give up on my feelings I have none......so please contiue your day and please enjoy it sir...!" She smiled a tiny bit and started to walk away but I grabbed her hand..."please tell me I will not juge you, I promise!!" "............" "how about you come to my house and we can talk about it..." I say hopefully. " fine....." I smile at her and notice I was still holding her hand so I quickly let go. "Okay but um...I guess I'll meet u then..." I frown and grab her hand once again......her soft hand....."no, you can come now I'll take you there....and its not done yet exactly, I just moved here..." she smiled an acually big smile. " that's okay I can help you unpack." " oh, thank you!" "No problem..." "By the way my name is shadow and may I ask for your name..." " my name is sonic..." we both smiled at eachother and started to walk to my house as we both carried bags....

....... (time skip).......

"So here we are....." she stares in shock..."whats wrong is it bad!?" " no, no it's quite lovley but um, it seems that me and u are neighbors.." she said with a hint of pink on her cheeks...
I grinned and couldnt help but tilt her chin...
I slowly lifted her chin to look at my eyes.....she seemed so perfect......shes amazing.......and the cool part is we are neighbors.......I wonder if she has a boyfriend......" d-do u have a boyfriend?" "No, I dont." I looked her in shock! "What how can a sweet, cute, girl like you not have one!?" "I dont need one....if I fell in love and if they found out what I was....they'd kill me and call me an outcast.....but you know, I'm happy the way I am!!" I looked at her...how could she say that, she shouldnt think that....but why would she say that..." so anyway what is wrong.??" She looked at me and a tear trickled down her peach muzzle...." have you ever felt hated, and not wanted....and have you ever wished you weren't what you are!?" She yelled. I gasped and quickly hugged her. "What never, dont say that your perfect, who said this to you, why would you wish to be someone else, I wouldn't change a thing about you!!!" She barried her face in my chest fur..." dont worry I shouldn't get you involved.....why did you move here anyways...." I hugged her tighter and slowly smiled..."well I guess I moved to get revenge..." she looked up at me with her green emeral orbs..."what kind of revenge??" "My best friend was killed by.....by..." her eyes widden as I spoke, she looked concerned and sympathetic. "By who!?" "By them devilsh vampires, but dont worry, I wont let them hurt anyone else ever again.....I'll kill every last one of them!!!" Her eyes widden and she looked at me in horror....she looked at the ground and cryed, she tried to get out of my arms....
"Sonic whats wrong, calm down, whats with you all of a sudden!?" "PLEASE LET GO, PLEASE!!!!

Sonics pov.

As soon as I heared him call my kind devilsh I knew he was just like the others!!! And if he came here to join the vampire hunters then I'm screwed because he's gonna find out what I am.... he's gonna kill me I need to get out of here!!!

Shadows pov.

"PLEASE CALM DOWN, WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID!!" she looked up at me with an scared yet sad face! "HOW DARE YOU CALL VAMPIRES A DEVIL THEY ARE NOT LIKE THAT, THEY CANT HELP WHAT THEY DO, AND IF YOU THINK THAT YOUR SAVING PEOPLE WELL YOUR KILLING THEM TO, DONT EXPECT TO SEE ME AGAIN!!!!!" She hissed.......she hissed.........as soon as I tried to speak she slapped me and quickly ran out of the house without her umbrella. I heard her scream as she ran to the house next to mine, which seems to be her house...
Why did she freak out.....what was with her and vampires.....could she be a....no she couldn't vampires arent pretty and kind.....shes wrong about them....there monsters I'll prove it to her......and then she'll be calling me her hero......................I'll show her........

To be continued......

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