chapter (66) forgive me

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terrible things by mayday parade
there's light coming from somewhere shining on my eyes , I open them slowly blinking a couple of times, my head hurts like hell , where am I ? what happened last night ? , someone is beside me , I open my eyes so wide
it's NOURA!!
I slowly get up , oh what have I done , you're a cheater niall , how could you , I search for my clothes , quickly putting them on , I run out of the building faster than the wind
"what have you done , what have you done niall , you are a cheater , you cheat on the love of your life , how could you, how could you , aaaaah" I start screaming hitting my hands on head , falling to the ground on my knees "I'm a bad person , I'm very bad , forgive me , forgive me please , I'll do anything , diana please forgive me " I scream so loud I run to the forest , hitting every tree I face , "noooooo , forgive me , forgive me " tears start streaming down my face , how could I be so stupid , it's hardly a month after her death and I'm already cheating
, "you're an asshole niall a big fucking asshole " I fall to the ground again , shaking , how can I be so stupid ,
"forgive me , forgive me , forgive me" my voice whispers and losing my control , how can I show my face to diana again , how can I do this to her , she's my only light , how can I do this?
I wake uo the next morning feeling so much better ,fortunately my body heals fast, the house is so quiet , I search for my phone to call alice but I can't find it so I get up and walk down stairs , the lap is empty no sign of my phone , maybe niall has it , I check the living room where niall sleeps but he's not there I start to worry, but I found my phone , I'll call niall first , it hasn't been longe since he committed suicide , "niall " I say as soon as he picks up
"forgive me , forgive me , forgive me"
"niall what the hell are you saying , where are you?"
"forgive me , forgive me " he repeats over and over again , this is not good
, I run to the lap and track his phone signal , he's in the forest
"niall keep calm don't do anything to yourself , I'm coming to pick you up"
, I put my jacket on and run to the car , my wounds hurts but I couldn't careless , the car starts and I drive as fast as I can , "niall can you hear me , I'm coming don't do anything stupid"
his's still repeating his words
the drive didn't take long because I was driving so fast
"niall " I shout trying to find him but he doesn't answer , I use my hearing power to locate him
"forgive me , forgive me" Niall's whispers
"found you" I run to where he's
, his sitting on the ground , his back to a tree , he's holding his knees
"niall , nialk wake up , look at me "
"what happened" I shake him
"I didn't mean to do it I just miss her so much" he cries like a little child and I can't understand a word , I'd read his mind now but I'll take him home first , I take his arms and pull him up
"niall look at me , let's go home" suddenly he pulls away from me
"I have no home can't you see , I'm homeless because I don't have diana , I broke her heart , I broke my heart " he shouts
"I'm homeless" he whisper to himself
"niall , I'm your brother ,I'm here and I'm going to take you home" I take his arms and pull him with me, we walk to the car , suddenly I can feel someone else here, I look around
"niall get in the car " he obviously don't even pay any attention to me
so I open the car door for him and shove him inside and close the door
"well well well, isn't this zayn malik" I hear a voice from behind me says
"the man who killed his brother " I turn around
"who are you ?"
"you may not know me but I know you, I used to work with your brother scar , but now I'm with the seven and they would be more than happy if I bring them your head"
"don't be so sure "
" I know that you're wounded " he smiles
"well I hope you know that I heal even faster than you can blink"
"we'll see" he laugh moving towards me
he tries to hit me with his fist but I move quickly and hit his legs, he pulls me with him when he falls , and digs his claws in my skin, I kick his stomach with my knee , I take his neck in my hands trying to take his head off , he slips away and moves fast to the car , he grabs niall's neck ,
"niall " I scream as if what happened with diana is happening again in front of my eyes , a sharp pain hit my chest , I fall to knees , niall is not even moving , I know he wants this , but it's not gonna happen again not while I'm still alive , "Leave him and take me " I say between my heavy breaths
"look if you take me to them , they'd be so much happier , listen to me" I scream at him
as he thinks , I take that as a chance and use my speed to knock him down,
"you son of a bitch , I'll make sure you'll never touch any other member of my family again " I kick his head with my foot so hard it flies away ,
, I knelt down for niall,
"look at me niall" I focus on his thoughts , oh niall
he cries " don't read my thoughts , don't " he backs away from me
"niall , it happens , it's not your fault , you were drunk, you missed her , that's all"
"no no no no " he shakes his head
I grab his hands , " I won't tell anyone niall, come on let's go home , it was so bad to relive what happened with diana again with you " I put his arms around my shoulders and pull him up back to the car , we drive home safely,
"come on niall , I'll take you to my room" he slowly nods , as soon as we reach my room breaks down again
"niall, don't do this to yourself"
"you don't understand , I cheated on the love of my life , she trusts me but I'm weak as hell , I miss her , I try and try to stay away from everyone , so I can just imagine her in my head , so I can be alone with my head for a while , where I can meet her in my imagination , now I can't imagine her without feeling guilty, she doesn't deserve this " he cries
"niall , diana is dead you got to move on , don't imagine her , it's hard for me to say this too , but it's time to let her go , you miss her that's okay , but you didn't cheat because she isn't  here anymore, I don't want to lose you too , niall"
"no no no , I'm not letting her go , she is me , I'm nothing if she's not with me , but I can't face her " he says hitting his head
I just hug him , and he starts crying on my shoulder , his cries comes witha terrible sound , it breaks my heart to see him like this , he doesn't deserve this
"niall calm down " I say rubbing his back trying to calm him down , I take him to my bed , "just sleep now , you need some rest " I put the cover over him and turn off the lights,
I'm literally exhausted , so I walk to Alice's house and climb up to her window , her room is so quite and lonely without her , I lay on her bed and that's the closest I can get to her , she's so far and it's too late to get her back here now .

Alice's pov
today was another day of hard training
I learnt how to fly it's more like floating but it's quite cool but so hard , Troy says it becomes easy when I turn to a vampire , I've been thinking lately in turning into a vampire , I'd help everyone and myself , it'll be so amazing and I have really amazing powers , I just want to be back home in zayn's arms .
after my shower , I head straight to bed , suddenly my phone goes off
"alice" his voice comes through the speaker so broken , so sad it immediately makes me sad too
" I miss you so much , I laying here on your bed smelling you everywhere but can't find you , I'm so lost without you" he says
"I miss you too so much , I'm really lonely here , I hardly talk to anyone , I just train all day and sleep all night "
" if I could hold you for just 1 minute now I'd be the happiest man on earth"
" I love you for ever"
" I love you endlessly"
thank u all for reaching the vote goal
, the next vote goal is 10 votes and 5 comments :) , sorry for being late but you know life happens , here's an image for pravleenkaur
"hey ruby" someone shouts from behind , you turn your head to see who is it,
"what do you want?" you say after knowing that it's zayn , your ex boyfriend
"I just want to talk "
"there's nothing to talk about , go away" you say coldly then continue on walking
"hey listen to me " he shouts
"who do you think you are ? , I'm not listening to you or any of your shits again "
"I didn't do it on purpose , I swear , my friends they got me drunk without me knowing , I swear I thought I was drinking juice , and this girl throw herself and started to kiss me , I didn't even kiss her back even though I was so drunk "
"fuck you I don't need any details , about what you did , and what kind of friends who does this to you" you shout back at him , feeling angry because of his lies
"well yeah they are bad friends but they are the only friends that I've "
"well if they are going to keep doing this to you , then I don't see why are we dating because evertime you'll cheat on me , you'll say it wasn't your fault , if don't trust you then we can't continue this relationship " you say as you walk away leaving him far behind , you feel so mad , sad and lonely because you love him , and will miss him , but you know you made the right decision by leaving him , so you decide to spend the night at your best friend house , while you were sitting with your friend , someone calls you ,
"who's this?"
"it's me zayn"
"go to hell" you were about to hang up when he says "I need your help I'm in trouble , please you are the only one who can help me "
"what's going on? "
"just meet me at the park at our usual spot , please, it's so serious , I'm hurt " you feel a bang in your chest , " I'll be there in ten " you're so scared that he might hurt badly because he always gets himself im troubles , you run as fast as you can to your usual spot , but you found nobody , you call zayn , he answers "walk, to the small bridge you'll find me " you do as he says
it was so dark and all the lights are out , suddenly a bright light light up , it nearly blinds you , "surprise" alot of people shouts out of nowhere , zayn standing im the middle , "what the hell ?" you say
"it's your birthday , you forgot your birthday"
"thank you but no need for this " you say backing away when he tries to touch you
"baby it was all an act , I didn't kiss anyone , everyone lied so we can make you forget about your birthday I swear , if you don't believe me ask your best friend" he says pointing at her , she just arrived
"surprise" she says laughing
"oh well that a birthday to remember " you say
"can I kiss you now " he says
"let me think first" you say
"haven't you believe me yet , I swear.." you cut him with a kiss and everyone cheers
"I love you" he says
"I love you too "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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