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Whispered words,

Constant beep,

Closed eyes,

Heavy with sleep

Still body,

Needles through skin,

A broken arm,

A bruised chin

A battered body

Lying still on the bed

A wrapped white bandage

Around the head

People crying

Surrounded the sleeping boy,

“Oh, the poor child”

Or, “he was played like a toy”

No need for pity,

The child’s alive and well

He lives in a dream

Where he lives so swell

“The child was so young,

He lived a quiet life.

But that all ended

When his body was pierced with a knife”

The room was so quiet

One could only hear the beep

and the low, even breath.

Nobody knows if he will continue to fight

Or end his journey with death.

_,.+' '+.,_,.+' '+.,_,.+' '+.,_,.+' '+.,_,.+' '+.,_,.+' '+.,_,.+' '+.,_,.+' '+.,_,.+

I normally don’t write like this but again, I just wanted to try something a bit different than before…

Tell me if it’s good or if it stinks, k?


thanks for reading!

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