Flashbacks and Crushes Part 2...

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Age 14

Chapter 10

"I still don't understand why you guys didn't say anything about this." Rahart said. He and Brian were walking down to the cafeteria.

"Well, you guys didn't come to mind through that time." He mumbled. Rahart put his hand on Brian's shoulder.

"But seriously, why didn't you say anything?" Rahart asked him.

"Because I think I like Celie! Is that what you want to hear?!" Brian raised his voice and Rahart stepped back a foot. "You like her and I think she likes you too. Brian's voice gotten softer.

"Brian, you didn't know did you?" Brian raised an eyebrow at Rahart.

"Know what?"

"We don't like each other. If she liked me, then she wouldn't have helped out, trying to fix me and Paola's relationship. Plus, I did notice that you two have been very close today." Rahart said. Brian groaned in confusion.

"I don't understand this. Girls can be so complicated at times." Brian opens his locker and puts his head in it.

"Brian, girls aren't so complicated. I know Paola like the back of my hand."

"That's different. You have known Paola your whole life. And I only known Celie for about 3 years and that's it. I hate these feelings." He groaned.

"Well, then tell me when you discovered them." Brian took a deep breath before taking is head out of the locker.

"Well, it was when she left me and the park..."


Brian's POV

I watched Celie walk away from me. I don't know why but I had a sudden feeling when I was around her. And they were just so weird though. I looked down to the stream and see my reflection. I smile a bit before walking in the opposite direction of her. I looked forwards and saw a small paper airplane fly by me. I watched it fly away and for some reason I felt something shake me.

"Go after Celie." A voice said in my voice.

For reason, I felt my feet running towards the direction that Celie went and I found her waiting near the sidewalk.

"Celie!" I called after her. She turns around and gives me a confused look before walking towards me.

"Brian, what's up? You can make this quick because my dad will be here any minute." She said. I took a huge breath. "Breath man, breath!" She said as she pats my back.

"Sorry, I'm just so out of breath from running across the whole park probably. It's not like I would be wheezing right now." I said with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes at me. "So, would you like to see a movie with me sometime?" She gasps a bit and I see blush rising up her cheeks. She smiles a bit.

"Well, maybe I would like that." She said. I was about to say something else but then a white Nissan maxima honked and Celie turned around. Must be her dad.

"Oh, well my dad is here. I guess you can call me and we will chat later I guess." Celie waved at me before getting into the car. The car drove way and it left me in deep thought.

Who was that voice?

I didn't know what got into me but all I knew was that I would be in something that could turn out to be very interesting. After all that, I went home with a smile that was placed upon on my face for quite a while though. Who knew that I might turn out to feel like this now?

End of Flashback

"And that is what happened that day. I don't know what's going to happen next. Like, I feel different and the movie was fun but what's going to happen now?" Brian asked Rahart. Rahart thought for a moment before speaking.

"I don't know but I can't promise that things will get better or worse. All I know is that we are all in for a wild adventure through life." He smiled. Brian smiled too.

"Are these the things high school do to you?" Brian asked. Rahart nodded and then Brian snickered. Rahart's face dropped into a small frown.

"What's so funny?"

"Now, we just have to wait for you and Paola." Rahart scoffs before walking away with Brian snickering again. Rahart tries to hide the blush on his face.

Was there actually something for him and Paola?

And if so, how will it turn out?

*I know. I'm posting this so late. I'm a day late. I get it but stuff went down yesterday and things have been hectic. Plus I have to go to a mine later this week and it's so cold. Anyway, I know I won't be able to post all my stories at once but I can try to make everything up Monday and Tuesday. Like today is 'It Had To Be My Best Friend' and 'Not Wrong' and that story took an awkward hiatus but we will see how everything will turn out.*

HappyMila >>> HMStarHalston

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