Hedge Apples and Corndogs

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"Why are we at the park?" Sam asked pushing himself forward on the swing.

"It's the last warm day of the year. I figured we could spend it outside." Gabriel replied.

The breeze knocked a few leaves from the trees. "It's nice."

"C'mon I wanna walk." Gabriel hopped off the swing and grabbed Sam's hand. There weren't many people at the park, not unusual since it was the middle of the day on Tuesday. "There's a pond up there, I think."

Patches of sunlight broke through the almost empty tree branches as they walked up the path.

As the trees thinned, the pond grew nearer. Gabriel looked up as the breeze got colder, "Damn, where'd the sun go?"

"Need my jacket?"

"I'm a big strong archangel! Of course I do."

Sam grinned and shrugged his jacket off.

The pond was small and there weren't many fish in it. But it looked nice with reeds and cattails lining the edges. Osage orange trees surrounded the pond almost entirely on three sides so it looked almost scary even in the daylight.

Sam was startled by the sudden splash in the water next to him. "What the hell was that?"

"A hedge apple." Gabriel said throwing another into the pond.


"They float, look." He pointed out to the water where the small green fruit was bobbing in the water. "Want one?"

Sam shook his head. "No, I'll just watch you."

"Sometimes you're no fun." He said throwing another.

As usual, Gabriel got bored fast and quickly moved on from the apples. "Cattails look like corndogs." He observed searching through the reeds on the edge of the pond for a decent cattail. It'd gotten warmer as the clouds moved from the sun.

The light hit him so he looked as if he was illuminating golden light and Sam was mesmerized.

"God, you're pretty."

Gabriel looked up with an amused look in his eyes, "You're strange."

"Says the guy who just said cattails look like corndogs."

"Tell me they don't."

"That wasn't the point."

"So they do?"


It happened so fast that Sam didn't even realize what had actually happened until he was sitting in the pond.

"Fuck you," Sam exclaimed standing up.

"Oh, you still love me." Gabriel held his hand out.

"I never said that." He said taking his hand, not daring to pull him in as well.

"Want your jacket back?"

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