The Ease of Promises: The Fourth Fable

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Once upon a time, there lived a young man by the name of Jasin who was different from his fellow humans in one regard. He had wings and he regarded them as the best part of him. It wasn't unusual for Jasin to stand before a mirror and admire his wings, thinking they made him different to other humans. Jasin was special, much like anyone else, and wished for the world to notice how special he was.

One morning, Jasin woke up and stretched, rolling onto his back, and he could not feel his wings. He rushed to his mirror and sure enough, he didn't have wings. Instead, his back was as smooth as any other human's. To say that Jasin was distressed would be downplaying the truth for Jasin ran through the streets shrieking and pleading for his wings to be returned to him. He promised he would be good and he pledged he would use his wings to benefit others.

The following morning, Jasin woke in terror, remembering the previous day but his back felt different, more like normal, and he realised he had his wings once more. He rushed to the mirror and flapped them a few times and swore he would now use his wings properly.

Many days passed and Jasin resumed his old ways - proud he had wings, knowing he was special because his wings made him different to other people, and ultimately using them to draw attention to himself.

Another morning dawned and once more Jasin found he no longer had wings.

He again ran through the streets screaming. Finally, he went silent and made a promise that this time he would definitely appreciate his wings and use them for good. He made this promise sincerely and Jasin did mean to use his wings differently but the next morning when he woke with wings once more, Jasin's promises were the last thing on his mind as he stood to admire his wings. He thought they made him look like an angel and that same day, Jasin forgot his promise.

Another morning came and this time Jasin was not surprised to find his wings missing. He remembered that he would have to try and be better, he would have to change his ways for he wanted his wings back because Jasin felt no one would notice him without his wings. His wings were the only good thing in his life, thought Jasin, and without wings, he would be like everyone else. He wanted to be able to rise again, he wanted to fly, and he needed his wings so he could continue to believe he was special. After all, what would his life be without wings?

Needless to say, Jasin never regained his wings. His remaining days were sad indeed. He spent much of his time crying and mourning his wings. He was convinced that he was now simple and normal, and he believed with all his heart his wings were the only good thing about him.

Jasin, the hero of this story, really had two options after he lost his wings, perhaps three if you think he sincerely could have mended his old ways. One option was the path Jasin took and the other is left to your imagination...

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