Two Friends: The Second Fable

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Once upon a time, a crow and raven became friends. The Crow and Raven were orphans and leaned upon each other in their childhood weeks, and although they both had very dark feathers, they were very different birds.

Their friendship was unlike any other friendship. Crow swore he would give his life for his friend and Raven felt that if needed, he too would give his life for Crow. Up they would fly together, living from the same nest, and neither wanted anything more.

One day, a third bird stumbled upon the friends. The bird identified himself as Vulture and mocked the friendship of Crow and Raven. Vulture showed Raven and Crow their respective communities and how those communities were not only rivals, they were anything but friends. Crow and Raven looked at each other. They hadn't even known others of their kind existed and there faced the two friends a dilemma.

Should they leave this friendship and each join their respective community?

Or should they keep their friendship and disregard their communities?

Crow and Raven took the chance to try life in a community and it was unlike the life they had been leading together up till now. They both understood that a choice had to be made because like many things, it is only ever one thing or the other and neither bird would be allowed both...

So what are the two friends to do...?

Leopard and Lion: A Third FableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora