The Secret

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Dear Diary,

You remember when I told you that Max and I had to talk? Well, I can say that it did not go so well. He started talking about how we spend less and less time together and it was like he forgot why. He is just being selfish to me and I am not going to have any of that in my life right now. 

He kept going on and on until he told me something that he wasn't supposed to. He told me that Hailey spends more time with him than I do. Hailey is Max's ex-girlfriend and apparently not out of his life like he told me she was two years ago.

When we started dating before we were really serious they were still hanging out. I wasn't upset about it at the time because we were just getting started. Once we started dating for a year and a half I started stressing about how they should not hang out as much as we were. She still has a thing for him and he's to blind to see it. 

We are talking and this secret comes out. He never got rid of her like he said he did. I was so upset that I broke it off. I don't need any more stress in my life right now.

Yes, I am sad about it but I can't keep stressing and telling him shit he already knows. I am glad that secret came out because now I know where he stands and what he wants.

I have to take my mother to chemotherapy so I will talk to you soon.

Maxi ❤

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