Chapter 4: Confessing.

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*Hana's POV*

"J-Jimin...the reason I still cared was because...." how am I gonna tell him...Ottoke..."Because....?" Jimin said as he came closer to me. Come on Hana. Just say it. Just like He thought you to. Be confident. Show no fear. //Takes deep breath//..

"It's because I like you Jimin.."

I can't believe I could look him straight in the eye while saying that. Well its out. Now he knows. After 2 bloody years...

"W-whatt...I'm confused.." He said in a shakey voice

How does one be confused at such a thing.. I mean yeah I can't blame him..I just threw it out there like that.. "Look I don't mind if you don't wanna accept. I highly understand. But I don't want us to be awkward. I still want to be friends with you,and now with that bitch out of the way probably we could be closer...or...Idek anymore.." I said as I was still looking him in the eye. When did I ever have the confidence to even look him in the eye... Good Job Hana! Lol #SelfPraise.

He was still silent.. Hmm I guess I know my answer...Hopefully things don't get awkward...Dammit Hana. Couldn't you have just told him you were his long lost sister or whatever.. What the fuck.. -_-. Brain shush.

What's done is done. Be happy it's finally out there. Speak the truth. I turned around and I began walking away. I was about to open the door and head out until he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him. "What the hell." I said half yelling. Couldn't he have just called my name... My name isn't that hard ya know..

"Hana..." Jimin started off.. "What." I replied coldly. "I-I...//sigh// I like you..but...not in the way you like me... I'm sorry about that..but...hopefully we could start off fresh..I mean we could be friends again..Like the old days..?" He ask with pleading eyes. Well..I was a little heartbroken..but I guess being friends too can be okay."Yeah sure." I replied with a smile obviously a fake one..."Awesome!" Jimin said as he gave me a hug. I was taken aback.. I didn't expect him to...hug me.." don't have to hug me..." I replied as I tried to get him off.I really hate hugs.. Even if it's from Jimin. "Opps sorry!...Uh...We should get going..the guys might be wondering what happened to us xD" he replied as he walked to the door letting the guys in.

As he opened the door we found 6 guys toppled over each other and a girl looking thee with a shocked expression.

"Yah I told you guys not to eavesdrop on them." Rae said as she made her way around the 6 idiots. Hah boys.

"Hey you alright.? Rae asked me as she pulled me to a side. "Hah yeah..Well I kinda confessed to Jimin..but..he turned me down. But hey! We're friends again." I replied trying to sound cheerful again."Don't pretend to be okay. I can see behind those eyes." Dammit who is she..Namjoon? Usually only Namjoon could sense if I was lying.....Who was this girl.I definitely need to have a real conversation with her."yeah yeah okay..I'm a little hurt...But I guess not everything in life has to have a sugary coating I mean right. Life is meant to have it's ups and downs.. If not then we'd be dead." We both laughed and made our way back to the idiots.

*Rae's POV*

I kinda feel bad for Hana..I could see that she was hurt. But she's hiding it.. I meed to have a real conversation with her...Without the 7 guys obviously..//Sigh We walk back only to find that the guys are chasing each other...Boys right.

We spot Jin and Namjoon sitting under s tree. We should go join them. Seems peaceful."So I guess we should go to Jin and seems peaceful." Hana said as she nudged me. Damn we think alike. I just nod and we made our way to the 2 boys.

"Hey guys .." we both said together. "Hey girls.." Jin replied while giving us a sweet smile."Hana you okay?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah of course. I'm strong okay." Hana replied while making a face. //Sigh why does she pretend she's tough..Even when she's not.."You've been staring at the tree for about 2 minutes now." Jin said as he nudged me."huh..oh heh mian." 


"Welp there's the bell. Lets get to class kids~~!" Jin said.Damn he is like the mom of the group.But he's sweet though. Hmm I wonder if all the guys have a secret sweet spot. I was brought back to reality when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. And it was.


"Uh...Rae mind if i walk you to class?" He asked while rubbing his neck. Why so suddenly hmm.. I guess it should be fine. "Uh yeah sure~" his face lit up as I agreed. "Yah Tae. Take care of her." Oppa said as he put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "Ne Jiminie I will." He replied with a rectangular smile. I must say...that smile is adorable.. XD

Both of us made our way out and we walked towards my locker. "So....what do you like to do in your free time?" He asked as he leaned on the locker beside mine,looking at me. "Oh the usual. Just surfing the web and blah blah blah....what about you? I asked him back. " Oh uh just stuff...." He replied. Well this is awkward.. "So..this is awkward..." He said laughing nervously. "Hah yeah..." "So you wanna go grab some ice cream or bubble tea after school..?" He asked. he asking me out or.... Should I say yes or no...or.... "Uh..I should ask Jimin fi-" he cut me off. "Oh uh.. I've already asked him actually... Hehe." He replied  with a sheepish smile. "Oh them um okays. I don't mind going with you." I immediately mentally slapped myself for saying that. "U-uh.. I m-meant as uh not at uh going out as uh....." I hate my life... "Hah cute..." He whispered. But I heard him.. How was me making a fool out of myself cute..."yah come on let's get to class!" He said as he grabbed my hand and led me to class.

My heart was beating so bloody fast. What is this feeling... Ugh.

He got me to my class. "Well I guess I'll see you after class alrighty." He said as he opened the door for me. Aww... "Heh  yeah alright. Bye." I waved and made my way into class and sitting next to Jungkook. I saw Jungkook giving me a teasing smile. "What.?" I asked as I sat down. "Oh.. Nothing." He replied smiling. Something must be up. "Yah Kookie what is it!" I said nudging him. "It's nothing... I assure you." He said and ruffled my hair. ;A; why my hair.. Sigh...
Soon the teacher came in and lessons began. It was such a boring lesson. I tried my best to concentrate but his voice was making me sleepy. And he's so boring ughhh...


Finally he's gone and now comes in Mr.Kim. He's super strict. Urghhh. Thank god his lesson is only for half an hour then comes English. I just have to strive through Math.. Sigh.

~time skip to the end of school~

Ahh finally! Oh... I just remembered that Taehyung and I are going out. Well not going out like a date just a well friendly meet up... Right....


~Hey guys.. Sorry for the really crappy chapter. I've been busy cause right now its the festive season and I'm celebrating Deepavali so.. Yeah. So sorry I promise to make the next chapter better. Don't forget to vote for BTS for the MAMA awards! Thanks for reading! Oh and I haven't haven't edited mian for any mistakes. And also don't forget to check out my Bae's story. The title is:  Coincidence. You can find it in my reading lists. Please do tell me your opinions and tell me how I can improve with it.. Thank's for 180 reads!! You guys make my day. Love you dear readers! Annyeong!!~~

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