never let you leave

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Shadows pov.

-----------*flash back*-----------------

"SONIC YOU LIED TO ME, YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE!!!" "YES BUT YOU SAID THAT IF I GOT THE JOB, YOU WOULD LET ME GO AND SUPPORT ME!!!" THATS BECAUSE I WASNT PLANNING ON YOU GETTING THE JOB!!!!" tears trickled down her muzzle.....she turned around and started to walk away without saying a word.....I tried to grab her arm but she jerked away and screamed at me...."DONT YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN, AND DONT EVER COME TO SEE ME!!!!" I was stunned in place I couldnt move, it was like I was paralyzed. I watched as she continued to walk away until I couldn't see her anymore......

---------*end of flash back*----------

the memory flashes in my mind over and over, like a nightmare that never goes away.....its been 3 years since I seen her.......
"Shadow are you okay love!!" My girlfriend waves her hand infront of my face. Her pink bangs dangling in her face, and her light green eyes starring at me worryingly "O, um...yes no worrries just um thinking thats all." "Oh well have you thought about us....~" "um, yea, I have...." I lied I wasn't thinking about her.....I havent thought about anything at all ever since that day.............
That day when she got in her car a drove away to her new job.....but with no happy smile....just a sad, deppressed.....gaze......her emerald orbs dull and unhappy. If only she new how sorry I was maybe she would have stayed and maybe we could have became boyfriend and girlfriend.....
"O thats great sweety, and by the way I was wondering if we could go to that new sweet shop tomorrow morning?" "Sounds like a plan, lets do it!" I smile shortly at her. "Yay, thanks hun, now I have to run and go to my hair appointment, I'll call you later!!" "Okay, sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow." "Yea, bye, bye love!" She winks at me and blows me a kiss.......I smile at her a blow one back.......
I watch as she becomes out of sight.....just like my dear very close crush......
As I decided to head home. I walk past the airport to see a girl.......not just a girl....a girl with a boy, with there arms locked together. As I slowly squint to see better I notice that that girl....looked familiar.......her fur...was a royal blue.......but I could only see her back.
My heart pounded a mile per second as I thought maybe just maybe....she came back!! But I had doubts that, that wasnt her.....I mean sonic never hardly wore short dresses that showed off her figure and boys never surrounded her.... and she said she never wanted a boyfriend......
As soon as I walk away I heard a males voice in a car scream sonic .....sonic......
I quickly turn around and to see if that girl was still there but she wasn' I decided that my mind was playing tricks on me...........just tricks......

????? pov.

I locked arms with my boyfriend......his fur so soft and silky, and smooth. His mussle so big and strong......
His eyes a vilot purple...
How much I wished to love him but I can't, how ever hard I try to it wont work, how ever many times he kisses me, I feel nothing....he doesn't no that.......but he dose everyithing to make me happy so the least I can do is make him dating him....thats all he asks of I will do so.....
"Darling, sonic, are you okay!" He says playing with my quills. I smile and nod....but my smiles are fake....nothing is real for me.......well it used to be but after that day were my..... best of friend and I was like my world had ended nothing felt real ....but the pain I felt is so real.......the only thing real.....

----(time skip)-----

Sonic pov.

"I'll see you tomorrow knuckles!!" "Yea, I know, bye, bye hun!!"
I wave a good bye.....
The only reason I came back to my home town is because I decided to got to complicated for me.......
My boyfriend came with me......cause he said he would follow me to ends of the earth if he had to.....
I smile a small smile of the words he would say to me.....
Everyone one says I've changed....I don't smile as much, I'm not how can I say this um...loud....and even people say I have become very beautiful........I even been offered to do moldling...but I don't feel pretty....and I didnt feel like I deserved it.......I turned the offers down as soon as they came.....
I walked up to my old house and walked up the old creeky wooden porch......hah I remember sitting on it and talking with friend........tears trickle down my cheek. I whisper. "It's good to be home..." I slowly turn the golden knob and took steps in my house. I walk in over to my couch with the plastic covering over it.
I rip it off and quickly jump on it and laugh.....I spiral out on it and end up falling off of it, landing on the dusty rug.
I laugh a real laugh and roll around on the filthy rug. I felt like myself. Then I got actually excited. So I decided to scream out. "ITS SO GOOD TO BE BACK!!" I laugh harder and ran to my bedroom also ripping off the plastic covering and jumping on the bed like a 3 year old would do.
Worm tears trickle down my muzzle as I smile happily at my room.....until I look at my wall decorated in pictures of my friend and old friend.....
I slowly climb off the bed and pull it off the wall.
I dust it off with my hand. I point at him with my index finger. I tracy my finger over his his quills......
How badly I missed pains me to look at him...
I drop the picture on the ground and watch as the glass breaks.....into tiny bits of shiny piece's........ how could I ever forget his words that hurt me, that stabbed my heart like knives.......
I fall back on my bed.....closing my eyes trying to see if I could erase it.....erase it all.....I wish to forget him.....but never works....

Shadows pov.

Streaching wildly as I growl at that bright sun peeking through the dusty blinds....
"Another day..." I sight and through on my clothes and brush my teeth and headed meet my girlfriend who I never really loved......but she dosent know......know one knows........

------(time skip)-------

"Honny!!" She came and gave me a death like hug."h-hi amy!!" I say through breathes. She giggles and realeases me with a smile. "You ready to pick some sweets!" "Yea..." as we slowly walk for a while I see a red ecidna walking tords.....sonics old house.......her old house.....
I froze in place as he literally knocked on her door.....
"SONIC DEAR YOU READY FOR OUR DATE!?" My eyes widden as I heard him call out the words sonic.....
I slowly saw the door knob turn....I watched very eager....
As I stared I saw a beautiful, royal blue hegie standing at the enterance of the door. "Yea.....where do you want to go...." "Coffe shop!!" She smiles shortly and nods. They start to walk together locking there arms. And sonics....leaning her head on his arm..........not my arm but his arm......his arm.....
Amy tuggs on me. "Shadow why aren't you listening to me!?!" "A-amy let's go to the coffee shop......" "what why?!" "Cause, I want to go somewhere for once...." "okay...."

Sonics pov.

"Ladies first~" I smile happily at him and kiss his cheek. I walk right in and then I eagerly grab his hand and ran to the front counter. "Sonic??" "Yes?" "I see you have been acting happier lately.......I'm glad!!" I smile and hug him. "Me too!!"
"May I help you to love birds!" The girl smiled at us and we smiled back. "Yes I would like a small cup of coffee please." "Got it and how bout you big boy?" "Um, I'll have a coffee with a muffin, please!" "Got it, you two can go ahead and pick your table, while I get it ready, I'll have someone send it out!" "Thanks so much" I smile and walk to a small table near the Window.

Shadows pov.

I quickly push the door I see sonic at a table with the ecidna....
I cant believe she's here, she's right there..........she came back.....
" I'll order some drinks okay, shadow dear!?" "Yea..." she smiled and kissed my cheek and headed tords the counter.
I saw sonics mouth moving and then I saw her reach into her purse. Her phone was ringing. She held up one finger and woundered outside to answer it...I looked at the ecidna who waited for her arrival....
I couldn't take it....she was chance was now....
I pushed the doors open and walked out to wear she was.
She didnt notice me cause her back was turned in the oppisite direction. I saw her put her phone back and she looked at the ground and bumped into me. "Oh sorry i didnt mean-" she stared at me amazed.....her eyes getting misty and her hands fell to her side....her purse fell off her shoulders....
"Sonic..." I whisper. She took steps back but ended up pushing back agenst the cold brick wall. I walked tords her. And put my hands on both sides of her head so she couldnt run.
"Sh-shad-shadow...." tears trickled down my muzzle. "SONIC IM SORRY, IM SO SORRY!!" I broke down into tears. I pushed my forehead agenst hers and moved my lips to hers. I kissed her roughly...I wanted this.....I needed this.......she left me....and she'll never leave again.....

To be continued........

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