Chapter 10 Locked in a Cell

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I awoke again to see Damon and I still trapped in the holding cell. No surprise though. Stefan wouldn't dare move us un till we were so weak we couldn't even talk.

Damon woke up a few minutes later and he groaned.

I heard heavy foot steps upstairs that could only be my brothers foot steps, and waited un till he got down in the basement looking in our cell.

"Where's, my... ring," Damon said quietly.

"Won't be needing it anymore. Neither of you will," Stefan said. I looked down at my finger to see it was gone to. Great. Just great.

"How long have we been here?" I asked slowly.

"Three days," he said nonchalant.

'What'd are ya doing?" Damon asked pained.

"During the dark ages when vampires actions threatened to expose or bring harm to the entire rase, they would face judgement," Stefan said, "They sought to reeducate them rather then to punish them."

"You know... what will happen," Damon swallowed, "if we don't feed on blood."

"You'll get weaker and weaker and eventually you wont be able to move or speak. In a week your skin your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify, a leather corps, unable to hurt anyone. Ever,"

"So what? Your just going to leave us in the basement for ever?" I asked seeping venom into my voice.

"I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak. Once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crypt. Then in fifty years we can reevaluate."

"We are stronger than you think," I said with my smirk.

"You two always have been. But you two aren't stronger than the vervain. And we all know that," Stefan said. "I'm sorry. It didn't have to be this way."

"But Stefan I think you are secretly gloating that we are in here and you are not," I said as he walked away. He didn't bother to say anything back.

I wonder what he is going to say to Matt. Wait, why am I thinking about Matt in a time like this? I should be planning a way to get out. But I can't stop thinking about this blue eyed boy. I can't have feelings for him! I only met him like three days ago. I can't have feelings. Not at a time like this.


Damon and I couldn't stop coughing because the vervain in our systems and we haven't had blood in days. Guessing it drove Zach though because he was coming down the stairs.

"I'm full of vervain. I've been putting it in my coffee for sixteen years," Zach said coming closer to the cell door. "Damon, Mary Ann?" He asked.

"So it was your vervain, good for you," Damon said barley smiling for a split second. "Family only runs so deep huh?"

"Were not family Damon, only in the most diss functional sense." Zach said. "In fact I avoided having a living, breathing, loving, family because of you,"

"I guess I can't talk you into bringing a rabbit or something?" I said smiling a little. "I settle for Stefan's diet at this point."

"You know I can't do that."

"You succeed Zach, I'm shutting down." I said.

"Your like your grandfather Joseph, he didn't like it when we came to visit either," Damon said, our faces are dirty and sunken in because of the lack of blood.

"That's the thing, you two don't come to visit, you appear unannounced reminding me that this isn't my house, your just permitting me to live here. Permitting to live."

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