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"When your the girl that everyone thinks you're happy and excited about life but deep inside you know you're breaking in the inside"


As I walked into my hotel room, I instantly went to lay down on my comfy bed.

"What did I do to make you feel like this?"

Everything, Fergal

You broke your promise.

You lied to me.

You don't know who I am.

Everything we had when we were as kids meant nothing to you.

But most importantly you broke me fragile heart.

I decided to take a shower to wash the pain away but mostly to the wash the sweat off.

I walked towards my drawer and I pulled out some clothes out and a small box came out as well.

I placed my clothes on the bed then I kneeled down to pick it up.

It was taped up pretty well, so nothing would fall out.

There was a note taped on the box. I pulled the note off and I carefully opened it.

"Brie, I found these things in your old room at mom and dad's, I was cleaning up after you, when I found them they looked pretty and important too you, since you would never let me borrow of them. Also, I didn't open the envelope inside and I think they might help you cheer up when your feeling down.

Love Nicole"

The first thing I wondered is how I never noticed this box here before, but this Nicole were talking about.

She's always wandering in my room by "accident".

I opened the box and there was a smaller box and an envelope.

I decided to open the box first and I was to burst into tears.

The many things I cherished growing up.

It was a daisy charm bracelet I got for my seventh birthday.

I carefully picked the bracelet and memories filled my mind.

The first time I put it on there was excess chain hanging.

This time when I put the bracelet on this time there was barley any chain hanging.

I looked back in the box and saw the anklet I got when I turned 8.

There was the flower headband I got when I turned 9.

Last but not least the pendant when I turned 10.

And all 4 of the presents I got were ALL from Fergal. Every single one of them.

I carefully placed all the items back in the box.

When I opened the envelope I surprised that there was pictures.

~Toxic LipsWhere stories live. Discover now