Chapter 3

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                Seconds, minutes, hours, time floated by without meaning. I have no idea how long I just lay there in my drug-induced dreamland. Dreams and memories swirled behind my eyelids. In one I was standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean with the breeze tousling my hair. In one movement I jumped the sea racing up to meet me. I almost lamed into the water but before I could my vision went black and I moved onto the next nightmare.

                I don’t belong here, I don’t belong here, I don’t belong here! I thought these words over and over willing them to be true. But little did I realize I had begun to believe that maybe I did actually belong here after all. No, no, no, they had to be wrong!

                I sat in a brightly lit, silent room. No noise to distract myself from the waking nightmares that just wouldn’t stop playing.  Closing my eyes never helped, everything was so much worse in the dark. Once again everything was white. White, white, white, it was driving me mad. That stupid voice inside my head laughed at this, Oh, but aren’t you already? It asked. I’m not crazy I’m not crazy! You shouldn’t lie dear; it’s not an attractive quality.

                White, white, white. My bed was white, the floors were white, and the walls were white. The only thing that wasn’t, was the IV in my arm, making a steady beeping noise that simulated my pulse that and… and the shiny metal cuffs that were restraining my arms and legs. No, no, no! I began to thrash against the cuffs, trying to break free of my restraints. I was slightly aware of the constant steady beep beginning to rise, becoming faster and faster. I slammed my wrists and ankles against them again and again but to no avail. I knew I would soon have bruises, but I didn’t care.

                I thought I heard the door to the room open but if I did I barely noticed. I just kept thrashing. The noise was going wild now, and getting faster still. I felt the sharp pain of a syringe in my neck again and looked up to see a doctor sanding there in sterile white before my vision blurred and I once again blacked out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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