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Hi everyone, did you miss me? Wait, why would you miss me, I've never left. Anywho... This "book" is me posting random things and answering questions you have for me. Feel free to ask anything (appropriate)!

For you to get to know me (and stalk me, I know you want to 😉) here are my favorite things!

Favorite sport: Basketball 🏀

Favorite food: pineapple 🍍

Favorite hobby: playing Minecraft (don't judge me bro) 🎮

Favorite class: Choir and Math 🎤 ➕➖➗✖️

Favorite animal: Jaguar 🐆

Favorite place: DIDNEY WURLD! (I'm very childish) 😋

Well, there you go. Remember to ask me questions!

Comment questions here.


My Random ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang