Ramble of nonsense and books

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It's funny how you can read a book and feel everything the character is feeling. You look at a page and you like " Wow I'm really fucking feeling this." It's like an author who's really passionate about what they write a piece of them becomes a character. If you think about those characters become something real to you. That book becomes something. You become something in it. Makes you forget things. And music and books. That just adds more if it matches. And if you think about it more your basically looking into someone else's head if your reading, not just the characters but the authors. That's what that person put out there, their opinions, their thoughts and ideas. It's crazy. They can put their own experiences in it and you wouldn't even notice. You'd of course notice the views of the world or of a person or themselves. People should really write more, creatively. You could find something out about yourself you didn't know before. And your making your own world to work with at your disposal, basically creating a living thing. Characters. Feelings, emotions. Warping it around and changing things. Creating an outlook of a world and people from your own mind. So crazy.

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