The Boom (Chp. 1)

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 Rythian's POV

 BOOM! Teep and I were flying towards the new base when I heard it. I was miles away but the explosion was so big I could still hear the deafening noise. I turned and sped towards the castle, I had to save her.

She promised she would be careful. I shouldn't have left her alone. It will be all my fault if she di-... No Rythian don't think like that.

When I saw the damage the nuke caused it felt like someone smashed my heart with a hammer. All our hard work, gone. But that was just a building, but Zoey was my love. She couldn't be replaced, there was no-one else like her. I called her name, hoping to see a hint that she was still alive. I called her name, my throat cracking. Teep followed me, helping me search. There was a broken piece of glass laying in front of me, gazing at my reflection, I realized my face was stained with tears. I was tired and hungry, but I will keep on searching until I find her. I was scared, scared of losing Zoey.

As I searched, all my memories of Zoey flashed through my mind. When Zoey went to "space" with the flying ring I made for her, when she was an interior designer, her leaving after Operation Dino Day, how lost I felt without her while she was gone. Finally, how he felt when she returned. I couldn't lose Zoey.

Teep's POV

I was worried about Rythian, I mean I was worried about Zoey, but Rythian couldn't live without Zoey. I helped him search, I watched him scream her name, I watched him cry. He fell to his knees, and sobbed. He was mumbling things like, "It's all my fault," and , "It should have been me." I wanted to comfort him but I was a mute dinosaur, what could I say to him? I knew he wouldn't give up until she was found.

Rythian's POV

I will not stop searching, not until I found her. I just needed to know what happened to her.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter is short. I don't know how long I should make these. What do you think? Plz leave suggestions, comments, thoughts, etc. Btw Mustaches rock! I really don't know much about how long I should make these. Plz tell me... Plz...

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