Escaped (Chp. 14)

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Zoey's POV

 Everything was normal, well normal since Rythian left me. I haven't been thinking about him much, I try to forget about him. And obviously he's fine without me, it's not like he's gone crazy or anything. And I'm fine here.

 I was looking through some chests for some Redstone, and Sips and Sjin burst in. they begini rummaging through chests, talking about random things.

 "Hey Sjin! Do we have any feathers for a flying ring? I'm tired of having to re-charge my Jetpack," Sips asked.

"Jetpacks are way better, only Rythian The Freak would use flying rings," Sjin says. They would always call Rythian names.

 "I'm just kidding Sjin. I would never use a stupid ring like Rythian The Freak," Sips laughs.

"Don't you dare call Rythian any more names. I bet you don't even know how to make a ring! You will never be as good as magic as Rythian is!" I hissed. That was the first time in a while I had talked about Rythian. Sjin was staring at me, and Sips was looking at the ground.

"Your right Zoey, we would never dream of becoming like Rythian. We won't pretend to be someone's friend to seem innocent, then bail on them as soon as we are in danger. Just like Rythian did to you, Don't deny it Zoey, you know it's true," Sjin snarled.

 I stood frozen, at a loss for words. I wanted to say something back to him, to tell him it wasn't true, but a part of me knew it was. Rythian had used me then left me when he was in trouble. The tears started to spill over, and I started to run outside...

Duncan's POV

 After talking with Rythian for a while, we both start to yawn.

'Why don't you go get your sleep Duncan, you look like you are going to pass out," Rythian said.

"Will you be okay here?" I ask.

"It's not like they are going to let me leave," he said nodding towards the group of doctors watching us. I gave a small laugh.

"Good night then," I said waving at him through the glass separating us. I left the hospital and went to find Teep. I decided to ask the group of villagers he was playing basketball with.

"Excuse me, but where did the dinosaur you were playing with go?" I asked them.

"He headed towards Town Hall," one villager said. I thanked them and jogged towards Town Hall.

 I opened Rav's office door and I wasn't surprised at what I saw. Teep was sitting in the chair across from Ravs' desk and they were playing The lever Game. I watched as they flicked the lever back and forth.

 'NO! you bet me again Mr. Dinosaur! But, later I will win!" Ravs yelled.

 "Having fun?" I asked them.

"Yeah, Teep just won for the third and last time!" Ravs said.

'Well then, Teep, I'm going to go find a place to sleep. You can stay here with Teep," I said, and Teep nodded.

"There's a house nearby, you can stay in. Just go to the basket-ball court, there is a house right next to it you can stay in," Ravs explained.

 "Thanks. See you guys tomorrow then," I said.

 After a few minutes of walking I found the house Ravs was talking about. I opened the door of the small house and went straight to the bed. The moment my head hit the pillow I fell asleep...

3rd Person POV (No ones POV)

 Rythian was sleeping, the perfect time for the Ender-Blood in his body to take over. The perfect time because when he was asleep, he couldn't stop the Ender-Blood.

"Zoey..." Rythian whispered in his sleep.

 The Ender-Blood pulsed through his veins. causing his Ender-Side to take over.

 When the Ender-Blood takes over all he will feel is hate and revenge. There is no potion or medicine to cure him now.

"Revenge... Hate... Blood... Sjin..."

 Suddenly Rythian's eyes snapped open, they were bright purple. he stood up from his bed and tied his cape to his neck. He walked up to the thick reinforced glass wall. He would have teleported but the Ender-Blood wasn't strong enough yet. he readied his fist and plunged it through the glass. All of the glass shattered into millions of tiny pieces. An alarm sounded, loud enough to wake most of the town. But Rythian showed no signs of worry. He merely stepped over the glass and walked down the long hallway. About twenty villagers armed with bows stood in his way. One villager spoke up,

"Rythian, what are you doing? Just explain, and we can help you,"

 "But you can't help! There is nothing you can do. If I told you what I am going to do, you would just lock me up," Rythian explained.

 "Whatever it is, it's probably not bad enough for us to  lock you up,"

 "That's the thing. You promise, but promises were made to be broken."

 The villager was about to speak but was interrupted by the distant sound of a door opening, then someone running down the hallway. Duncan burst from around the corner and stood to face Rythian and the villagers. Duncan's hair was a mess, goggles perched awkwardly on his head, and he was struggling to put on his lab coat.

 "Sorry, I was sleeping, then jerked awake by Teep, very rudely I might add. So, what's the alarm and bows for" Duncan asked.

"Rythian just broke that glass by himself, and tried to escape," the villager said.

 'Yeah right. But seriously why did Rythian even try to escape?" Duncan asked.

"Umm, I'm right here. And I would love to stay and chat, but I have people to see," Rythian said. Suddenly his body was surrounded by purple particles, like and Ender-Man, then he teleported away.

 "Should we send people to go and find him?" the villager asked.

 "No. Teep and I need to find him ourselves. Everyone just stay in the city. Don't send people after him,' Duncan commanded.

 So Duncan and Teep set off to find Rythian...


 Sorry I haven't been updating. I was grounded. But I'm back now! If you read my last Chappie you know that this story is almost over. I am freaking out to, but I promise I will write another Zoethian book after this one. So ya! Plz let me know how you liked the chapter in the comments! So ya! Thank you guys so much!!!!! Stay Super!!! Bye!!!!! BTW This is dedicated to karrenstyles. She will understand why. last weekend was pretty eventful for us. :P Bye!

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