Beep Boop

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I think we all know by now I'm talking to you,

So I'm not exactly sure why I do or say the things that I say and do. I mean sometimes I'll say something and think "what the hell is wrong with me why did I just say that oh my glob". Then there are times when I say something without even thinking and my friends will laugh and say I'm embarrassing. But eh.

Then there are times when I'm incredibly stupid. Like today when I said I was drinking immature green coffee. I'm honestly not even sure where that came from. I know I could have said premature but I chose to say immature because the taste reminded me of my friend's behavior. I have no words. I'm sorry society. Shun me please. I don't mean to come off as a smart ass but I have no filter friends. However to be a smart ass you have to be smart other wise you're just an ass.

Vote if you have verbal diarrhea too! Or not. Either or. Guys.... Either, or.

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