Finding you~ Jay

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This is one of the few episodes I won't do from your character's POV, your character is too young to remember this so it's better to do it from the ninja you choose to take care of you in this story thank you for reading!

Jay's POV

I was walking below Destiny's Bounty in the mountain range when I heard a familiar hiss coming from a cave.

"I finally have you, you're going to show me where the fang-blades are." I looked in the cave and saw Acidicus pinning a little girl to the cave wall, she was shivering and seemed to scared to scream. I pulled out my nunchucks and Acidicus ran, I walked over to the little girl, she had H/C hair hiding some of her face and I could barely see her E/C eyes, I noticed she had a torn I Love Snakes shirt on.

"Hey, are you alright." I asked, she seemed unharmed with a few bruises otherwise, just scared. "W-who are y-you?" She asked, her voice was shaking.

"I'm Jay," I held out my hand. "I'm a ninja here to save you." She jumped up and hugged me, I picked her up and carried her to the bounty. I was greeted by Kai.

"Hey Jay." He stopped striking the air with his sword. "Where did you find a little girl?"

"She was in a cave with a serpentine, I thought we could check to see if there is a missing little girl with H/C hair and was last seen wearing a I Love Snakes shirt." I replied, Kai rolled his eyes.

"Watch what she eats, it's Cole's time to make dinner tonight." Kai warned, I walked to the bridge still carrying the little girl when I noticed she was asleep.

"I guess you've had a long day." I said to myself laying her on the table, I hurried out and grabbed a blue blanket and laid it over her, then I started looking to see if she was a missing kid or an orphan.

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