I think i like you

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Zoe's POV
    I moved into my new flat two days ago and I already unpacked. It was pretty emotional between me and Joe the day I moved out but for some reason Casper seemed happy that I moved out, I hope he doesn't hate me oh what am I worrying about I mean it's Casper for gosh sakes of course he doesn't hate me he's probably just trying to make a good of a sad situation for joes sake. *Knock Knock* hm.. I wonder who that is. I walked over to the door and opens it up "Alfie!" I said while hugging him "Hey Zoe how are you" it's been like two weeks since I saw Alfie because he had to go back home to help him mum with something  "I'm great and come in" he walked inside and put his coat on the coat rack "so Alfie your back how was it at your mums house?" "It was great she just need help with some stuff and that was pretty much it" "do you want some tea or water?" Alfie started smiling and then he stood up and held out his hand "Actually I came over to ask you if you would like to accompany me to lunch right now?" Is this like a date or something because I hope it is I mean I've never really said this to anyone besides Joe but I honestly have a crush on Alfie. "Yea of course" "awesome well let's get going, I mean if your ready of course" Alfie was smiling at me again and I couldn't help but think about just how amazing he is. "Um yea I'm ready let me just get my purse and jacket" And with that we were out of the door on our way to lunch.

Joe's POV
    It's been about two days since Zoe left and even though I'm pretty bummed about it I'm just glad Casper is still here. "Hey Joe" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Casper walking into the room talking to me. "Hm.. Oh hey Casper" I put on a fake smile just to keep him happy "Joe what's wrong?" Shit how does he know something's wrong? "Nothing's wrong Casper I'm fine" "Joe I'm your bestfriend I know when something's wrong so please tell me" I can't just tell him what's going on when it's about him ugh what am I gonna do? "Casper we never actually talked that night I got back with Zoe so what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" "Oh yea um well I guess we can talk about that now" Casper sat down on my bed next to me and took a deep breath "I don't want you to be mad at me when I say this but I've been thinking a lot lately and I think I might like you." Am I hearing right or am I dreaming either way the boy of my dreams just told me he MIGHT like me but that's a might not a certain yes. "Casper I don't know what to say" "aw you hate me don't you I knew this would happen if I told you *sigh* I'm sorry I even bothered" Casper got up and started walking out of my room but before he could I grabbed his hand and stopped him "Joe wha-" I cut him off by kissing him, I don't know what I was planning to say next but all I knew was that this kiss was amazing "You worry to much, you know Casper? And yes before you even ask I like you to." I hugged him and we just stayed like that for a couple of minutes before hearing my phone ring, I pulled away and looked at my phone seeing who it was "ehh it's just no one" "are you sure?" To be honest it was Zoe but I didn't want anything to ruin this moment. "Yes Casper it's no one I promise, now how about I make us some dinner and we will talk more about us" Casper started smiling like a mad man "yay dinner I can't wait well and obviously to be with you of course" he's so cute and amazing "your so cute Casper" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the room to go make dinner.

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