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"Grandma I told you I don't want to work anymore, can't we pretend that I did work while I was here?" I told my grandma, she was trying to wake me up.

"No no no, you are going to work, come on" she soon walked out and I was getting up.

I got changed and made my way to work.

"Morning" I told my grandma.

"Hey Mikey, I'm sorry for disturbing you this morning but you need to do something, not just sit there and play video games" now that's true.

"Okay grandma, after I finish working I'm going to the shops and look for guitars or something" I should get out more.

"That's good, now start working" damn it.

"Fine" I played on my Nintendo but I couldn't concentrate, Esmeralda was on my mind.

I really hope I see her again.

I finished working but not a lot of people came today so I ended work early.

I started walking down the streets while looking down at my Nintendo, of course.

Then suddenly I felt someone bumped into me well I bumped into someone.

"Look I'm so s-" I looked up and it was Esmeralda.

"Esmeralda?" I smiled.

"Michael, hi" she said while waving.

"Esmeralda nice to see you" I said while turning off my Nintendo.

"Yeah, um what are you up to?" She asks me while smiling, God isn't she beautiful?

"Uh I am going to the music shop" I smiled at her.

"Oh that's cool, I'm going there too" she smiles again like she doesn't even remember to what I did to her hair.

"What do you play?" I asked her while she walks with me to the shop.

"Uh I actually don't play, I'm just going so I could buy a drum kit or something like that for my brother Ashton, his birthday is next week. Do you play anything?" She said while looking at the ground.

"Uh yes I play the guitar" I said while I smiled at he and she smiled back.

"That's nice, you should meet my brother sometime even though he can be really rude, well to me" she says while giggling.

"Haha yeah that would be cool" we entered the music shop.

"Mmm what drum kit do you think it's good?" She asked me.

"Mmm let me look, not that I know which one its the best but maybe a suggestion" I looked around until I found one.

"That one" I said while smiling at her, yes I smile at her a lot.

"Okay thanks Michael, I'll see you around" Is now or never.

"He um could I have your number?" I asked her shyly, I have never done this before.

"Sure why not" I hand her my phone and she types it in. She smiles and walks off to buy the drum kit and leaves.

I looked down at my phone and what I see is

Essie 😃




Just saying I made that number up hahah

If it's someone's number then sorry :-))

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You are beautiful!

- Romina

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