One for you, two for me (Mikey)

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Brrr, the fall is cold. But we must not return empty handed! Casey, April and I creeped up the stairs to the last house of the night. April lifted her hand gracefully like the ghost bride she was dressed as and knocked on the door. Suddenly we were greeted by a bubbly young couple as we happily cheered the all familiar chant we were taught when we were just children. "TRICK OR TREAT!".
"Oh how lovely! Here you go lovelies, have a spooky night!", the young lady filled our baskets and gently closed the door behind up. "Good, now let's get back to the guys", Casey instructed.


"I'M BACK!", I sang into the lair when Mikey leaped out and engulfed me in the hug I love him for. "Sweet!", his hand about to reach into my cane basket. I quickly slapped his hand. "Now, now these are for granny", his pout was adorable, "haha, ok, we'll SHARE!". Mikey and I then sat in the middle of the living space floor and counted them out.
"One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me, one for you, two for me.", Mikey counted.
"What was that!! My little cheeky turtle!"
"TREATS! TREATS!" He threw the assorted lollies and chocolates at me, "hahaha, ok fine I'll count them properly. Two for me-". I threw him this silly glare. "And I give one of those two to you!"

Later that night when everyone went to bed we stayed up to watch scary movies. Just Mikey and me. He leant down an kissed me on the cheek "one for me", he smartly stated. I quickly pecked him back but on both cheeks "and two for me"
"Smart allic", he mumbled.
A/N: happy late Halloween everyone even though A) I don't celebrate and b) I'm in the Southern Hemisphere so it's spring here but yeh.

stay tuned for a big announcement.

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