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Anna's POV
I woke up still thinking why my fucking
best friend to kiss my boyfriend well now ex.  I woke up and look in the mirror and I look ugly. I also saw the hickey that was on my neck from Luke. I need this right now. I get in the shower and wash my body and my hair. I put my outfit on and got my penny board. I was bored there was nothing better to do.

I went downstairs and saw the boys and I was just wearing a just a crop top. They were all here. And you can see my hickey it was all out there like I don't need this right now.

WHAT THE HELL IS THAT. Nash and Hayes both yelled

I burned my neck when I was doing my hair. I said trying to convince then it was my curling iron and not Luke kissing my night last night.

Yeah okay. Taylor said as a she a girl right next to him

Then I hear the doorbell ring and I go to open the door and there are like 8 girls at the door.

I let them all in then they all introduce themselves. They all looked pretty I felt insecure.

One girl he name was Karina. She is dating my twin brother. She is so pretty. She has long straight hair brownish black hair and brown eyes. If Hayes hurts her I will bet the crap out of him. (KarinaArellano151 )

Another girl
Her name was Melanie. She is dating Matt. She has dark brown curly hair and she has freckles. She is weird, free spirited, sorta bad assy, and sporty. She also has a belly button piercing like me.(MELY1085 )

Then there was another

Her name was Imanni. She is dating my brothers best friend Cameron. She has super curly brown hair, and she has brown eyes. She is only 5'2. She is crazy and sarcastic. When she gets mad her eyes turn dark shade of brown Amosa black. So don't get her mad. (123getthepartystared )

There was another
Her name is Rece. She is about 5'7. She is pretty pale. She has long dark brown hair that is normally straight. Her eyes change between green blue and an grey. She doesn't wear a lot of make up. She is really loud and crazy.

Her name is Alana. She is dating Aaron. She has bright blue hair at e I should dye my hair blue idk. She is about 5'9. She wears a lot of band Merch. But not one direction. #sorrynot She is also sporty. (youtube_gurls25 )

Her name is Kiarni. She is dating Carter. She is 5'4. She is light tan skin. She has long natural straight dirty blonde hair. Her eyes change between blue, green, and grey but it depends on how she feels. She doesn't wear a lot of make up. She has a belly button piercing. She is loud, crazy, rebellious, and funny.( KiarniK )

Her name is Asia. She is dating Jack J. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes.
She is really pretty. (its_asia_babe )

Her name is Emily. She is dating Jack G. She had light brown hair. She is 5'3. She has light blue eyes. (em_polk )

Her name is Cyenna. She is dating my brother Nash. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is crazy, loud, and weird. She loves candy. But she loves I mean love sour patch kids. (2cherrypie4u )

After meeting all of the girls. We decided to go to the mall because I wanted to get a tattoo. Plus I have to go meet some one there.

We all got in the car I took my Range Rover. We had to take like 3 cars because of all the people. When we got there we went to the tattoo parlor the tattoo artist asked what I wanted it was a bird. I used to sit outside in the wood when I was self harming. Yeah I self harm but I don't do it anymore. When Nash and Hayes left I didn't have anyone. I got bullied and nobody wanted to listen. I cut so the pain would go away.

When I was done Me, Karina, Melanie, Imanni, Rece, Alana, Kiarni, Asia, Emily, and Cyenna went together and the boys went there ways. I was walking when I bummed in to someone it wa Tatiana she used to date Shawn. Like I don't need her right now because she was sending me hate in Twitter.


@GrierAnna( I don't know if that's a real Twitter)
With the Bae Shawn

Girl he can do so much better. I'm so much better then you so just break up with him. He can do so much better.

When I read that I broke down in tears like why does everyone hate me so much.

Hey babe what's wrong? Shawn said

I showed him by phone and just cried as he gave me a big hug.

Flashback over

Look who it is. Tatiana said

What the hell do you want bitch. I said

I want Shawn back bitch. She said back

Well you can have that cheating son of a bitch I don't get a fuck about him anymore. I said to her

Don't talk about him like that bitch. She yelled at me

The girls are looking at me like what the duck is going on.
I have them I will tell you later look.

I walk past that bitch like a boss( I'm a boss ass bitch. )

When the group was not paying attention I have to meet someone

So I a take a call..............


Hey my little unicorns🦄🦄

Thanks for everyone that wanted to be the boys girlfriends. Go follow them they are so nice. But who do you think the person who called Anna and who is she going to meet at the mall

Love u guys

Anna caniff💁🏽💁🏽💁🏽💁🏽💁🏽🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄❤️❤️👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽

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