4 pahc

183 14 0

Shinshu very perv-

Ih bby u wer su hwt lest neght kaito sed ass he struke meh hoir

U 2 kai kun u were bery tight insoude lik it is noice my 1st toime i said and smoile

Suddenky ran and sumone lik ran cme in and gasp

Omg shinshi u chet on me ran cried

Er meh gerd kai i thut u were stright de ither girl yel

Me ws naked su i had to were blenket 4 meh clothing

So wut i sey i like kaito u nut gunna stel his ass from me i sey srsly

But ran say ily shinshi ols frick frack me hurd

Sudenly kaito jumo out uf his bed he said shin chan is my bkufriend i frick frak hhim hurd he drick frack me hamurd and our peelings is mutual su u sty our fo dis

He brin moi cluser 2 his lips and we kis

Ran and de other furl gasp



Ty and cya. Food will always love you. - Aninur

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